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It all started on a Friday. As I was walking to my car I heard someone call out my name. I turn around to see my friend, Shrek.
Avery, " Shrek what are you doing why are you screaming my name?". As I say this I see something behind Shrek's back. Were those a big fat bouquet of flowers?
Shrek, " Avery I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to homecoming with me?," *pulls out big fat bouquet of flowers*
"Oh god" I thought to myself " I can't say no everyone is watching us now.." *sigh* " uhh yeah I'll go with you.." I said accepting defeat.
As I said that everybody started to cheer and clap like I'm the queen of England.. I mean I am pretty hot, but that's besides the point. As I entered my car I saw my mom laughing "What are you laughing at?" I said. My mom said " Ohhh nothing." I let out a sigh in utter sadness that I have to go to hoco with Shrek (just a joke btw).
Soon enough it was homecoming day I got the hottest dress in the world, and I looked like an absolute model. My friends were coming over to my big Spanish villa house to take pictures with their dates. As I waited someone rang my doorbell. I assumed it was either Shrek or my friends, so I rushed to go open my $400,000 door that weighed 50 pounds, but to my surprise it was neither.
"P-pillsbury Doughboy... what are you doing here?" I said in disbelief.
" Well m'lady I came to take pictures 🦧" Pillsbury Doughboy said.
Before I could say anything else a really hot, and beautiful lady was standing behind Pillsbury. She shoved him on the ground, and spit on him. "CHRISTINE" I said excitedly.
"Yea it's me the hottest girl ever" said Christine. As me and Christine were speaking Pillsbury was crying in agony as he had broken his baby legs. After that all my other friends showed up with their dates, and we all took pictures. Then we all went out to eat including Pillsbury Doughboy🙄🙄. My hot best friend Christine kept teasing me to kiss Shrek. I was to shy and to much of a UwU girl to do so, so I just ignored her the best I could. After everyone was fattened up we headed to homecoming. As I entered I saw that only me, and my friends were the hottest so in annoyance, me, Christine, and all my other extremely hot friends decided to go to my house to party it up. As we were about to leave though we were stopped.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Screamed our math teacher that had the ass of Kim K.
"Uhh we're leaving sir..." I said annoyingly.
"You cannot do that you are locked in" said our math teacher that had the ass of Kim K.
"There must be someway we can leave though" Chimed in the very hot and smart Christine.
"Wellllll there is one way" said our math teacher that had the ass of Kim K.
As our math teacher that had the ass of Kim K lead us down our very creepy and stinky smelling hallway I was very scared as to what we were about to face. All of my friends held our breath as we turned the corner. There we saw Mrs.Tay Tay
"Awwww suki suki now what do we have here" said mrs. Tay Tay.
"Mrs.Tay Tay we would like to go home..."

To be continued bc my head hurts🧍🏻‍♀️

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