Homecoming Part 2

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"Mrs.Tay Tay we need to leave.." I said
"Ahh suki suki y'all baby child's need to call y'all's parents and get the say-so to leave mhm" said Mrs.Tay Tay
So one by one everyone called there parents, and were permitted to leave. So I called up my very cool mom to come and pick Me, Hot Christine, Seggesy Winnie, and their dates to go party at my house. There really wasn't much to do at my house except for a very cool golf cart. So I let Christine, Winnie, and their dates go on it first ( hahah this is funny). So a few minutes later Christine's dumb date comes into my house.
"What happened to you!?" I exclaimed
"I was twerking on your golf cart to be funny (but looked like a dumbass), and I flew off" Said idiot.
I just stood their like 🧍🏻‍♀️👩🏻‍🦯, but soon enough I gave him an ice pack for his head. Then a minute later the very sexy Christine came in my house.
"Yo that dude looked like a rag doll flying off your golf cart it was hella funny hehe 😳✨🏃🏼‍♀️" said Christine cutely (💀💀).
After that stupid ass accident that could've been easily avoided we all partied, and played Just Dance. It was fun, and soon enough all my friends, and date went home. Except for Pillsbury Doughboy. I remember walking up my stairs, and seeing him standing there lookin like he had scoliosis or something. Anyways, I went up to him and asked him what he was doing at my house still.
"Avery...✨ I love you be my girlfriend" he hugged me. I barfed a little not gonna lie but being the nice hot woman I am I said yes to confession, but to my surprise my date didn't actually leave.. he watched the whole thing. Me, and Pillsbury Doughboy watched Shrek run out my house with tears running down his face. I tried to run after him, but I couldn't. Then that concluded my night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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