Chapter 1

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It was a normal boring morning of normal boring life. My life. I was like any other ordinary teenager -bored all the time and mardy, when I wanted to be. I try to be helpful seriously but I end up pushing people away.

So like any other Monday morning, I sat on the uncomfortable metal chairs waiting for the assembly to start. Like seriously uncomfortable, I couldn't get even the slightest bit cosy. The headteacher stood in front of my year, waving her arms about like a headless chicken, trying to calm the deafening noises of chattering and shouting.

"Quiet!" Mr Higham, the head of our year, shouted through his speaker phone. That's probably where all our school fundraisers profit goes to, equipment to try and keep the school under control. After his booming voice echoed around the hall, the hall fell silent and people started to sit down. Megan turned around to me and raised her eyebrows in a look of disgust. Megan was my sister, my twin sister. I just smiled back at her.

The head just blabbers on about the none sense of school life and how we should try harder or we won't go anywhere on life. The same as every Monday. Doesn't she realise we've had enough already?! Suddenly, the lights turn off and everyone is left in darkness. A few of the barbies scream (the barbies are the group of girls that dress like 24 year-olds and wear enough make up to make Mr Bean look gorgeous). I presumed it was just a power cut or someone had leant on the light switch but we was left in the pitch black for quite a while.

The lights switch back on. The assembly carries on. Life goes on. Except it doesn't. No one says anything until Mr Higham screams, in a really girly tone. Then everyone in the hall stops as if to process what a scream means then joins in. So the whole hall is mahem, with people running everywhere. I don't think anyone knows why he screamed but just knew it must be frightening as Mr Higham is quite a tall muscular man. He doesn't look like he would be scared by anyone or anything.

In curiosity I get up out of my seat, run to the front to the head teacher lying on the floor dead. Dead. Now I realise why everyone is so frightened. There was a murderer in the building. A murderer for god sake! I turn around to see teachers trying to shove the pupils out of the door and chairs sprawled across the floor. I look for Megan but I can't see her. She's probably been shoved out of the door, squished with the other pupils.

Just then a see a faint shadow of someone running across the AstroTurf, out of the window. I shook my head to make sure I can trust me eyes. From this distance, I can make out its a man. Well I think it is, I can never be too sure without my glasses. Instantly, I find myself running for the fire exit door. It was like someone else had took hold of my body and started controlling it because I definitely wasn't making myself run.

I sprang out of the door and started running towards the figure.


Authors Note

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