Chapter One - Moving In

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(Y/N's Perspective)

Recently, I had been kicked out of my New York City studio apartment because I couldn't afford the 10,000 dollar per month rent. My good friend (and ex-boyfriend), Dave, invited me to live with him until I could financially recover.

I arrived at his house.

I tightened my grip around the cardboard box, not wanting it to slide out of my hold. The merciless winter wind whipped my hair around and I struggled to see past the heavy box in front of me. I tried my hardest to calculate every step, but failed. I tripped over a squeaking, warm object and assumed it was a mouse. After orienting myself after my fall, I pulled my shoe off and raised it threateningly. It was only then that I noticed the creature was a chipmunk. Alvin, Simon, and Theodore were a sensation so of course I knew who he was. I slipped my shoe back on and held out my clammy hand in a friendly manner, forgetting the box of My Hero Academia action figures that had just spilled out of the unsealed lid. The red sweatshirt wearing animal cowered and looked at me with frightened eyes but then reached out his fuzzy paw and we shook hands.
"So, I'm assuming you know who I am."
Alvin smoothed back a piece of chesnut fur on his head and did a few iconic poses that I had only dreamed of seeing in real life. I chuckled, picking up the box that was previously in my hands and stood.
"Of course, I'm-"
Alvin cut me off with his high pitched voice and held up a finger to pause me. He scurried up a nearby tree so that we were standing eye to eye.
"Dave told me about you. Don't get used to living here, you'll probably be gone soon."
He spoke in a clipped tone, swaying his tail from side to side in agitation. Before I could even muster a response, Alvin was gone in a flash of red.

This was certainly not how I imagined me and Alvin's first meeting. But that was okay, we would surely become friends later on. He was probably just playing hard to get. I played the guitar and was an amateur singer so maybe Alvin and I could bond over music and he could give me some advice on how to improve my skills. I walked into Dave's house and wound through the hallways to my room. I was staying in the guest room that nobody had ever used before. The bed had plain, unwrinkled tan sheets and there was nothing on the walls except paint. The lack of personality and decor made me nauseous! The glass of the window had no fingerprints or smudges. It was very plain but I could work with it, considering I was a part time interior designer. Music was my real passion though.

After a few hours I finished unpacking my things and even hung a few Attack on Titan posters up and decorated the top of the nightstand with my Hunter x Hunter Funko Pop collection. I had not uttered a word to any of the chipmunks or even to Dave since my arrival. I automatically felt out of place. But hopefully soon, my rodent roommates and human landlord would warm up to me.
I had been sitting on my bed testing out random anime Snapchat filters when the bashful yet alluring voice announced Theodore's presence. I smiled at his cuteness and patted the spot next to me on my bed. Theodore scampered over next to me and cuddled into my side and let out a squeal of pleasure.
"Hey Theo."
Theodore blushed and hid his face in his green sweater at the nickname. I scratched behind his ears delicately and he let out a moan.
"I'm sorry Alvin treated you like that, he's not been very good with strangers ever since Claire left Dave."
He apologized, pulling a chipmunk-sized granola bar out of his pocket and nibbling on it with his large yellow buck teeth.
"It's alright, I-I understand."
My voice cracked slightly and the corners of my lips turned downwards. Theodore heard the whole conversation? That was so embarrassing. My reputation had already been destroyed. Theodore picked up on my sad mood and sighed.
"Just look on the bright side, you made a new friend today."
Ah shucks, he was always such an optimist.
"Really? Thanks so much."
I searched Theodore's eyes for any dishonesty but found none. We were interrupted by Dave calling out 'Bed time'. Theodore hopped down from my bed, stumbling slightly. Damn, that little chipmunk needed to lay off the nuts. He gave me a heart felt smile before leaving. That night I had a nightmare about getting rejected by Alvin once again, and I instinctively reached out for the nearest thing, assuming it was my pillow. I heard a squeak and opened my eyes to see Simon. I let go of him and looked over to the clock on the bedside table. It was 2:24 A.M.
"Simon, what are you doing here at this hour?"
I whisper yelled, turning on the lamp next to me on the lowest setting.
"I was just going to get a snack, and I heard you crying."
He readjusted his glasses and gestured to the dried tears on my cheeks. I reached over for a tissue and wiped the crust off my face. How pathetic.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Y/N."
He rolled up his sleeve, revealing scars on his forearms. I gasped.
"I've been through some stuff too."
There was a clattering sound in the kitchen, so Simon went off to go investigate. I wanted to go with him, but felt fatigued and the second I laid back down, sleep took over me.

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