Y/n was laying on the couch, massaging her baby bump when the floodgates broke. She searched for the nearest place to give birth, knowing what was about to happen. She squatted in Alvin's litter box and a human-chipmunk hybrid crawled out of her birth canal. It made a chipmunk yet human like shriek and started crying, resulting in the sound similar to that of a velociraptor. It had humanoid facial features with chipmunk ears, whiskers, and a tail. Alvin was on his way to his litter box, ready to jack off in it, when he saw the child. Y/n pinched one of Alvin's nipples and white milk started dripping down his fur. Dave crawled out of a portal in the litter box and cradled the mutated infant in his arms.
"How sweet, it's a girl!"
Alvin sauntered over to the newborn, licking his lips over his large, overgrown teeth.
"Damn, my daughter is hot as fuck."
"YOUR daughter? She's MY daughter."
Theodore argued back.
"Correction. The child is my offspring."
Simon forcefully said, going down onto all fours in a pouncing position, ready to strike at the rival chipmunks.
"Back off dude, we can just get a DNA test or something."
Dave offered, pulling a twenty dollar bill from out behind his ear.
"This should cover the cost."They all headed to a hospital, then took a DNA test. It turns out the baby is made up of 25% each of their DNA.
"Well brothers... It looks like we're going to have to share the baby, and the baby mama."
Alvin said what they were all thinking.
"I think we should make this relationship a little more...Official."
Simon pointed out.
"Are you saying, that we should all marry each other?"
Y/n asked, slightly shocked that they were moving this fast.
"I mean, there isn't a law against humans marrying chipmunks, is there?"
Theodore asked, even though he knew the answer.
"Yes, that does sound nice, being bound together in holy matrimony."
Simon stared into space and started daydreaming about his future family.
"I-I can't fucking take this shit anymore! I just gave birth to a fucking chipmunk-human crossbreed! Are none of you disgusted? This is inhumane!"
Y/n ran through the hospital corridors, her Balenciagas bouncing against the freshly cleaned floors. The chipmunks tried to chase after her but their stubby legs could only run so fast.
"It's no use. Y/n used to be on an Olympic track team, there's no way we can catch up."
Simon huffed and tried to catch his breath.
"Damn, that hoe can run."
Alvin squinted and barely could make out the shape of Y/n's curvy figure sprinting into the distance.
"Wow, she's so fast...And beautiful...The perfect girl."Theodore panted out before collapsing onto the ground, having just exercised far more than he usually did. While the chipmunks' attention was drawn away, Dave snuck away into the men's restroom stalls and snorted a line of crack. His euphoric high didn't last long and he found himself scrambling for more of the drug.
"Damn it, I'm out."
Dave flushed the evidence down the toilet and returned to the others, them not suspecting a thing.Y/n's POV:
I easily galloped a couple hundred miles and now was in Mexico. I found a few coins in the streets and booked a cheap hotel room for myself. During the night the electricity went out so I was surrounded by darkness, my phone's battery quickly depleting.
"I might as well try and get some sleep."
I laid down on the bed and covered by ears with a pillow, the sound of drilling by my window keeping me awake.
"Ugh, what is going on out there?"
I slightly opened one eye and saw a gang of thugs break into my room. I was about to scream but it was too late. They gagged me and put a bag over my head and a pair of earbuds on me. I was forced to listen to Roman Holiday for thirty minutes on repeat.
"A Mexican drug cartel? You've got to be kidding me!"
A burly man threw me over his shoulder and carried me to a large black car with tinted windows that smelled of urine and marijuana.
"Let me go, you bastard! I'll give you whatever you want, please just-"
I begged and begged before a gag was shoved into my mouth.
"Sorry lady, boss's orders."
The stranger shrugged. I continued to struggle to break free of his iron grip but it was near impossible.
"I shouldn't have given up karate."Y/n sighed and tried to relax and think of an escape plan as she was kidnapped and taken to an abandoned warehouse. While Y/n and Dave were missing, the chipmunks had sex a couple of times before worrying about them.
"****, Alvin you're such a good little ****."
Theodore moaned as Alvin sucked him off skillfully.
"You like that, baby boy?"
Alvin asked as Theodore let out a particularly loud moan when he ran his tongue down his bacon grease slicked shaft.Without either of the two love-making chipmunks noticing, Simon appeared.
"Shouldn't we be worrying about Dave and Y/n? We haven't seen them since the hospital... This isn't like them, to just run off without telling us."
Alvin took his mouth off of Theodore hardness, clearing his throat to speak properly.
"Honestly, I don't know, and don't care. While we're having our fun, they can have their's. Now Simon, why don't you join us?"
Simon huffed but didn't have the will to decline, he thought it would be a good idea to treat himself to some sexual intercourse. Simon set his spectacles aside and ground his lower region against Alvin's *** while Alvin sucked off Theodore. They all moaned and Theodore bucked up his hips when Alvin started massaging his hairy, leather textured *****.After a few rounds, the brothers realized that they actually did need to find Y/n and Dave because they had yet to return home, even after seven hours.
"According to my calculations, Y/n should be located somewhere in the northern region of the great nation of Mexico."
Simon explained, thoroughly thinking through the probabilities and possibilities of her whereabouts.
"What do you mean 'should'? We have to find her now!"
Alvin wrapped his hands in chunks of his own fur, ripping it out ferally, so now he was covered in bald spots from head to toe.
"This is the best option we've got. C'mon let's go rescue my lady!"
Theodore waddled out to the backyard of Dave's house, boarding the private blimp and setting sail to Mexico. The chipmunks continued on their perilous voyage to the foreign land for days, constantly in fear and worrying about what could be happening to Dave and Y/n.
Meanwhile, Y/n was suffering. Everyday for her was a waking nightmare. She was locked in the drug cartel's labyrinth dungeon, forced to devour her own flesh or starve. Y/n munched on her eyeball that she had previously gouged out, relishing in the taste of blood and the feeling of agony. The irony was despicable, while she was dying, it was the most alive she had felt in her life. Y/n pounded on her chest like a gorilla and roared with pride. Those Mexican bastards couldn't keep her locked up for long...

Three Chipmunks, One Y/N
FanfictionThe title is pretty self explanatory. When Y/N moves in with Dave, all three chipmunks take a liking to her. Alvin, Simon, and Theodore now must fight for Y/N's attention and love. Their relationships defy all odds. *Contains smut, mentions of s...