Mary Willa Gummer

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Mary's POV
Dr. James gives us a smile and disappears through the door. "Oh my love I was so scared" Don says, kissing my forehead. I immediately start smiling. My love for this man grows every day and I feel so incredibly to spend the rest of my life with him. He's resting his forehead on mine and for a minute we just stay like that. "I love you. So much" I whisper. He squeezes my hand and kisses me on the lips as a response. The door opens. It's Dr. James with a little crib! I immediately sit straight up and groan. For a moment I forgot I have a wound. „Say hello to your newborn" He says and puts the crib right next to my bed. Don walks around so he can have a better look at her. „I'll leave you alone. A nurse will come to you in a few minutes to check on you. She will also tell you about how we proceed. But I'll come back in the afternoon to talk you through everything. Have a nice day, Mrs. and Mr. Gummer" he nods and leaves the room. I didn't take my eyes off HER. She is perfect. Tears are shooting in my eyes. „Hi baby" I whisper and reach for her little hand. Her little fingers immediately wrap around my finger and I gasp. I forgot what it feels like to see and feel your baby for the first time. It's breathtaking. „Sit up. I'll give her to you" Don says with a soft voice. I free my finger from her and try to sit straight up as much as possible. He picks her up, gently and carefully as if he had never held a baby before. He walks around the bed again, gives her a kiss and lays her in my arms. „Hello princess" is all I can manage to say before tears start rolling down my cheeks. I feel Don's hand on my cheek, brushing away my tears. An immediate warmth shoots through my body. He leans his head on my forehead, his hand resting on my hand. „Mary Willa" I look up at Don. He smiles at me. „Yes. Mary Willa" I repeat
„Can you take her darling? Sitting up this long is painfull" Without another word Don takes her from me and puts her back into her crib. Slowly I slide back and lay down again. During all this time she didn't wake up once. She still sleeps peacefully. „I can't wait for her to wake up. To see her tiny eyes and hear her scream" Don's smile disappears. „What is it?" I'm confused. Why the sudden change? „Honey, I-„ he turns away from me. „When she was born... She didn't scream. I couldn't hear her scream. And she didn't move" his voice trembles. "What do you mean? Don, what happened?" I don't know why but I yell the last sentence. „I couldn't do anything. I was alone. You didn't respond and they didn't let me see her. Oh Mary I was so scared. I thought I lost both of you" he sniffs. I'm shocked. I can't move and I breath heavily. For a moment we both say nothing. „Don... I'm okay. Mary is okay. We both are alive. We are here" he turns around and hugs me. „I know. I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you" his voice sounds guilty. He lets go off me. „Do you wanna call our parents?" I say to change the subject. „Yes,yes" he answers. „My phone is in my bag. Can you get it please?" He gets the phone and sits back into the chair next to my bed. „Do you wanna call your parents first?" Don asks quietly. I grab his arm and give him a smile. He smiles back and dials my mom's number. Just now I realize how sweet it is that he knows my parent's phone number by heart. It rings. For some reason my heart starts racing. „Mary?" my mom picks up after the second ring. „Hi, mom." „Are you okay? Is the baby okay? Is Don with you? Did everything go well?" I laugh. „Mom, everything is okay. She's beautiful. We are all okay and why don't you come visit today with Henry? Then I can tell you everything" I suggest a visit because I can't do this all over the phone. „We would love that. We will be there by 6 alright?" „Okay, mom. I love you" there is a pause. „I love you too, Mary" she says and hangs up. „Okay, that's done. Now your mom?" there is a sadness in his eyes. He misses his dad. His dad died 3 years ago but it's still difficult for him. I place my hand on his knee and stroke it gently. He looks up, sits straight up and calls his mom. We tell his mom the same and she arranges to visit tomorrow. „Bye mom. I love you" then silence. As soon as he hangs up, the door opens and a nurse comes in. „How are you feeling Mrs. Gummer?" „Much better. The wound hurts and I can't sit straight for more than 10 minutes." I say. „That's completely normal. The recovery after a C-section takes longer than usual. I'll do a quick routine check and the doctor will come to see you later" I nod at her. It only takes 5 minutes and she leaves again. „I could look at her all day long." „And I could look at you both all day" I giggle. „You're sweet" I say in a soft voice. „You look tired. Get some sleep, honey." his kiss on my forehead sends me into sleep.
„Shhh, everything is okay" I open my eyes and see Don standing in front of the window, bobbing up and down. „Hey" I say. He turns around, looking stressed. „You okay?" I ask. I can't hide a little smile when I see his face. He already looks like he didn't sleep for days. „She won't stop crying" „Can I hold her?" he looks almost relieved when I say that. He lays her in my arms and just like that she stops crying. „Wha-... ho-..." he stutters. I raise my eyebrow and give him a smirk. „Mary Louise, you never stop to amaze me"

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