Secrets revealed

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Jace silently walks into the institute with everyone else besides Magnus behind him

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Jace silently walks into the institute with everyone else besides Magnus behind him. No one had said a word since they left Magnus' loft because no one knew what to say.

"Children." Maryse greets with a tense smile when she sees them walk through the entrance. She scans all of their facial expressions and sighs. "You know."

"How you lied to me about my parents all of these years? Yes. I know." Jace grits out in anger.

"Jace..." she sighs. "Your mother didn't want you to remember."

"Well she's dead. So does what she want really matter." He bitterly spits out.

"Yes it does." An unfamiliar voice chirps up. Everyone looks towards the new voice and Maryse sighs loudly. "Hello Jace."

"Who are you?" Alec immediately questions with narrowed eyes. Ready to protect his family at any given point.

"Your uncle." Kade states simply, not effected at all by the boys harsh tone. "Hello, Isabelle, Alec."

Looking towards the red headed one in the group he shakes his head. "You're a dead ringer for your mother."

"You knew my mother?" Clary steps up curiously.

"Of course I do. Of course I know the woman that couldn't hide herself and her daughter nor protect herself so much that my Parabatai sacrificed everything so that she could be safe." His words coming out sweetly but his words cutting deep.

"Anyways." He claps his hands with a tense smile. Looking towards Jace he nods his head towards his older brothers empty office. "I'm guessing you have some questions."

Jace nods his head silently but before he could go anywhere Alec pipes in. "Why are you using our fathers office?" He looks in between Maryse and Kade.

Kades face turns into amusement. "Please. Your father wouldn't go against me in a million years. He learned that lesson a long time ago."

With that he walks off towards the office with Jace hot on his trail.

"What does he mean by that?" Izzy questions her mother with furrowed brows.

Taking a deep breath Maryse speaks. "He means that many years ago when he brought Jace to the institute your father refused to help him find Alexia because none of us believed the circle was still around. Kade and him got into a fight, and he would've killed your father had it not been for Magnus."

"And you just let him walk around here like he owns the place!? He tried killing dad and you bow down to him like he's the head of the institute." Alec fumes.

"Because Kade was right. Fourteen years ago he said that Jace's mother was captured by Valentine and the circle and no one believed him. His parabatai suffers every day because your father was too stubborn and prideful to help him. Beating him in that fight and being right about the circle is enough for the clave to appoint him as the head of the institute." Maryse shoots down the boys confidence.

In the office Kade sits in his brothers chair behind the desk as Jace paces.

"Shoot your questions kid." Kade waves his hand.

"Who's my father? I was told it was Michael Wayland." He stumbles out.

"Stephan Blackwood was your biological father." Kade grits out, his face turning into one of hatred.

"Did Valentine kill him too?" Jace whispers.

"No your mother did." Kade admits.

Jace's head snaps towards the man in shock. "She killed my father? Why would she do that?"

In all of his memories she was happy and the sweetest yet fiercest woman you'd ever meet. He was confused as to why she'd kill his father.

"When she found out she was pregnant, it wasn't because she was showing symptoms or anything normal. It's because she caught your father attempting to stab a needle of demon venom in her stomach while she was sleeping. Valentine had convinced him to do it." Kade whispers as he remembers her sobbing in his arms afterwards.

"What happened after that?" Jace whispers in sadness. "I'm part demon?"

"No." Kade chuckles dryly. "Your mother would do everything she could to protect you. Before you were even born too. She caught the needle before he could inject it and confronted him. He tried tying her down and injecting her but she grabbed his seraph blade before he could and killed him. Afterwards she went to the soul sisters to make sure you were still pure. You were."

"You talk about my father with so much hatred. Magnus told me you loved her. That you were in love with her." Jace confidently states.

Kade curses under his breath at the warlock before putting on a sarcastic smile. "I've been in love with your mother ever since I met her. I hate your father because he treated your mother like she was the dirt under his feet. She never bowed to anyone, she was a very independent woman. But your father beat her down into a quiet and scared person for years. Until she found out she was pregnant. She took down the entire uprising with the circle in the matter of weeks to keep you safe." He breathes out. "I helped raise you until you were six."

"Where you left me at the institute with no memories all alone." Jace grits out, they both maintain heavy eye contact.

 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now