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"right then. it's settled." renemi smiled as she nodded her head, grabbing her coat and slipping it on. "what's settled?" renjun gave a confusing look.

"we're going to the choi's house." the woman said simply,
out of instinct, jinkyong latched her hand onto renjuns, her cold and bony fingers slipping into his. "that makes no sense though? i've been drinking her blood for the past week." renjun gaped at his parents, squeezing jinkyongs as he could feel her anxiety bubble up.

"she's still human for now. usually pure bloods have to wait until they're 17 to drink humans blood so that they can develop their fangs and powers you know." gangfan explained, mostly to jinkyong. she was still very confused, spacing out as her mind ran miles trying to figure out what was happening.

"the best thing we can do right now is go to jinkyongs old house and see if her parents are there. if they're not we'll go to where her father is and get him to talk." nina shrugged, ruffling jinkyongs hair.

"it'll be okay jin. no one can hurt you as long as we're around." the older smiled warmly, reassuring jinkyong just a tiny bit. "i see she's already been accepted into the family." renmei muttered to gangfan, a content smile playing her lips.

"she's touching him. what kind of sorcery?" the vampire king chuckled, shaking his head at his son who was rubbing his thumb over jinkyongs knuckles.

"let's go to the choi's then. but uh let's take the cars, jinkyongs not feeling well." the prince spoke up, looking at the girls who's face was still pale. she obviously wasn't in a very good condition to teleport.

"that's fine. jimin is outside with the car for us, nina you can drive renjuns car." renmei clasped her hands together, earning a cheer from nina. "let's go! i get to drive the tesla~" she danced around, walking towards the garage door.

renjun groaned, giving his mother a pained look. "what? she's wanted to drive the tesla's for so long. let her have this." the woman pat his shoulder, turning to catch up with her husband who was already close to the front door of renjuns house.

"everything's going to be okay right renjun?" jinkyongs voice was small, close to a whisper as she looked into renjuns dark brown orbs. he almost visibly fawned at the girl, but caught himself, clearing his throat.

"yes don't worry kyo."

ooh we love character development

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