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"jinkyong your phones ringing!" chenle called out to the girl who was sitting in the kitchen

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"jinkyong your phones ringing!" chenle called out to the girl who was sitting in the kitchen. "who's calling me at 9pm?" she mumbled as the boy walked towards her with her phone.

she pressed the answer button and held it to her ear. "hello? this is choi jinkyong speaking." she answered, looking at nina who shrugged her shoulders.

"hello ms. choi. it's the zela city crimes department. we apologize it's pretty late but we're calling to ask you to come into the station for questions." a man on the other side spoke, causing jinkyongs eyes to go wide.

"tonight?" she coughed out looking at jisung and nina who were giving her confused looks. "yes tonight. we feel it's better if we can get information on the vampires as soon as possible. we heard you were spotted with the king and queen?" she nodded even though he couldn't see her.

"ah so it's about that. okay then i'll be there in a little." the girl concluded, hanging up the phone and setting it down on the counter. "i was caught. we're going to the station." she sighed, standing from her chair at the counter.

"you're going to jail noona!? no you can't, let's hide you in the underworld at ninas moms house." jisung said with wide eyes, panic invading his face. "no you bimbo. they saw me with mr. and ms. huang, they want questions." jinkyong rolled her eyes, grabbing a last handful of grapes and walking into the living room of the hangout.

"hyuck my main bitch. drive me to the station, renjun is being a brat and won't come out of his room." she smiled at the older, pulling her phone out and tapping away on it. "why can't chenle take you?" "don't volunteer me asshat. my car is at home." the chinese hit him over the head.

"fine." he groaned, standing from the couch. "i'm coming as well." nina said from behind jinkyong. "no you're not. if they saw me with renjuns parents they saw you. and seeing as you look a lot like them, they'll suspect everything." the younger shook her head, bitting her lip as she continued to tap her screen.

she then snapped her fingers and turned to nina with a smile. "but, you can watch from the cctvs here. let's go dongfuck." jinkyong hanford her phone to nina which showed an empty investigation room.

oh boy would this be fun.


miss choi. we need for you to cooperate." the officer said sternly, an annoyed look on his face. jinkyong only gave an angered smile. "and i am. i've told you i have no idea what you're talking about." she lied. it was easy for her, well you know your regular innocent girl- always helping around, never getting in trouble.

it was the perfect cover up for someone who knew exactly where the hellish creatures could be located. "dammit jinkyong we just need to know if you're affiliated with the pure blood and royal demons and vampires! we need to figure out all these murders and get them under control." the man snapped, slamming his hands on the table.

but it didn't faze jinkyong. she only raised a brow, laughing at how stupid he was. she wanted to laugh in his face and ask why she would expose her kind, but she didn't.

"even if i was, what you're trying to do is useless. your blood, they strive off of it. take it away and they'll start to act forcefully." she smirked, her voice coming off intimidating and cool. she was also 100% right.

the police couldn't do anything, it was the circle of life. if vampires and demons were suddenly stripped of what is basic every day food to them they would become weak and at some point die. sure they could live off of animals, but what happens when overpopulation of vampires happens and animals start to decrease in large numbers?

the officer was left dumbfounded, speechless. jinkyong sighed, picking at her long nails. "so can i leave now?" she asked with bored eyes. the man only shook himself out of the mini trance of shock he was in and cleared his throat.

"you're g-good to go. if we need anything more we'll call. have a good night." his voice wavered. jinkyong rolled her eyes, standing from the metal chair and walking to the door. she yanked it open but before walking out she looked over her shoulder.

"goodnight officer yook. don't let the vampires bite." she teased, walking out of the door and letting it slam behind her.

the said officer sighed, taking off his hat and running a hand through his hair that was becoming gray. "teenagers scare the living shit out of me." he mumbled, chugging what was left in his flask.


"holy crap that was kinda hot tho." nina immediately greeted jinkyong as she walked into their hangout, letting out a tired huff. "give me an oscar." she joked, flopping down on the black leather couch next to chenle.

"thanks for not snitching little one." jeno snickered as he walked into the main area, giving the said girl a high five. "i should've tattled and told them your address." "as if you know my address." the boy scoffed, opening a bottle of blood and beginning to drink from it.

"17th street neo city, big grey house with the metal fence." she said simply, a small sarcastic smile given as the older choked on his drink. he gave her wide eyes. "how the fuck-" "hacking is easy so i got as much info on all of you as i could. no offense, but if i'm gonna be hanging out with a bunch of vamps and demons i'd at least like to know a little about them besides the fact that they feed off of humans."

the three gave her looks but shrugged it off because it was a reasonable thing. "what the fuck can't you do woman?" donghyuck creased his eyebrows at the younger. "im gonna take a wild guess and say you don't know how to speak english." jisung said proudly with a smug smile.

"nope, my manager johnny taught me english and mark only spoke english around me so i could learn a lot more." jinkyong chuckled, earning amused looks from everyone.

"why are we talking about harry potter boy?" renjun rolled his eyes as he walked out from the basement. "OH MY GOD WHY DOES HE ACTUALLY REMIND ME OF HARRY POTTER." nina busted out laughing hard. and with that everyone began to laugh as well, comparing the boy to harry potter.

woAh jinkyongs a hottie get me one

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