James Marriott

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Your POV
Believe it or not, me and James have been friends ever since... I can remember! We used to hang out a lot more before he did YouTube, but I don't mind. I'm glad he's doing something that makes him happy. He introduced me to one of his mates before. Alex. He's really fun to hang around, since we like a lot of the same things.


"What the fuck was that..?" I mumbled to myself. Oh! Alex uploaded! 'Girl Makes $100,000 Being A Dog'. Some weird ass title that is for sure. I forgot to mention, I also have a youtube channel, called (Y/C/N - Your Channel Name). I'm not as popular as James or Alex, I only have about 100k, still good though.

I start walking down the stairs of my home. Nothing too big, nor to small. Just right for me. I pour myself a bowl of (Y/F/C - Your Favourite Cereal) and put some milk in. I tried to put strawberry milk in it as I wanted to try something different, but soon figured out that was disgusting. I poured the cereal away and put the bowl in the sink because I couldn't be bothered to scoop out the remaining bits of cereal that were stuck on the inside. I grabbed a new bowl and re-made my breakfast, making sure to use regular milk this time.

I sat myself on my couch because I couldn't be bothered to walk all the way back upstairs. I turned on my Xbox and put on Youtube so I could watch Alex's new video on my TV.

About five minutes into the video, I got a knock on the door. I wondered who it could be, especially at 10am. About 3 knocks and 2 doorbell rings later, I finally got up to see who could be at my door. I went to go get my keys..


"Jesus fucking christ I'm coming!" I shouted. I managed to unlock my door and there stood James Marriott cheekily grinning. "What do you wa-"
"Hey (Y/N)! You're going to need to hurry up and get ready, I've already booked us an uber."
"I'll answer your questions in the uber, just hurry up and get ready."


The door slammed in my face. I just shrugged it off and went to go and get a quick shower.

(386 Words)
I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I promise to make the next ones a lot longer, about 1000 or so words, but this was just to start it off. It also kind of seems like you have a crush on James but that's not the case lol. Also I'll be uploading probably everyday (Maybe a little less when my school starts again, but still quite a bit) because I have nothing else to do with my life apart from watching big alpha male memeulous.


~Because Of James Marriott~ [Memeulous x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now