Meeting The Ebastards

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After I had finished my shower, I went to go grab some clothes. I didn't pick something to fancy as I didn't know where James was taking me, but if we were going to a wedding or something like that, surely he would have told me. I just picked out (C/O/C - Clothing Of Choice) and brushed my (H/L - Hair Length) (H/C - Hair Colour) hair. I dashed down the stairs..


It was a message from my phone, James. I walked over to the counter and picked up my phone.

'are you done yet, i went home cause you
took so long and im outside ur
house rn, where u at.' 

'alright alright jesus. im just getting
a snack. not like im not one myself'

'you absolute weirdo'


I opened my door to reveal, again, James Marriott. "Right come on then (Y/N)." He spoke.
"Where are you even taking me? This seems real dodgy you know," I mentioned a few seconds later.
"I'm taking you to meet the ebastards"
"The e-whats?"
"My mates. The Eboys, remember?"
"Ohh.. haha that was a funny joke"
He rolled his eyes at my late reaction as the uber arrived.

Georges POV
"Does anyone know where the fuck James is at, he said he was only going to get bread. There's a shop down the street, it shouldn't take him this long." Alex stated.
"I don't know, but if he doesn't hurry his ass up I'll go get the fucking bread myself." I said.
"We don't even need bread! Ours is fine!" Alex declared, holding up a loaf of mouldy bread that he'd just gotten from the kitchen. I made a disgusted face as Will walked in.
"Don't think either of us can agree on that one lad," Will pointed out. Just as he'd said that, I heard the door to our apartment unlock as James strolled through the doorway, with a.. girl following behind him?
"Guys! Meet (Y/N)! (Y/N) meet these twats" James said.
"Hi.." She spoke. Damn she had a soothing voice.
"Hello lass! I'm Will" Will cheerfully responded.
"As you already know, It's Alex" Alex replied.
I was just staring at her, admiring her beauty, that is until James coughed to grab my attention.
"Oh, right, sorry! I'm George." Shit. I've made such a bad first impression. My thoughts were interrupted by a giggle. Her giggle. I could've sworn I felt butterflies rise to my chest. A light pink colour dusted my cheeks, I'm sure of it.
"Well, where's the bread?" Alex questioned.
"Oh fuck! I knew I forgot something. Tell you what, I'll go get the bread, and that should give you all some time to properly introduce yourselves." James said.
"Alright, hurry up though, I'm craving a sandwich right now." Will announced, right after that, pure coincidence, his stomach grumbled. "See?"

(445 words)
I know that I said they'd be 1000 words and over but now I realised thats a bit much lol so they'll be somewhere around 400-500 words instead. I hope you enjoyed!

~Because Of James Marriott~ [Memeulous x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now