setting them up

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I soon texted Alex and explained everything.



u know (Y/N)

yeah?? what about her

we need to set her up with george

omg yes

ikr they would be so cute together

how r we gonna do it tho?

idk we need to meet up and figure it out

ok where


istg if u say idk one more time

alr jesus sorry

well george is out so u can come to mine but u
have to be quick bc idk how long he's gonna take

alright then

I put on a hoodie from my wardrobe and put on the first pair of shoes I saw. I opened the door as a breeze of cold air hit me.

"Thank god I put on a hoodie." I mumbled as I closed and locked the door. Soon enough, I was knocking on Alex's door. "Alex! I'm here!" The door opened to reveal the man himself. He dragged me into his room.
"We need to figure out how to set them up.. how about.. a park?" Alex said.
"Bit basic. I don't think it would work."
"Well how about you try come up with something then."
"Alright. How about a cafe? It's simple but cute."
"Hmm.. I think that'd work quite well actually."
"See. I should be the one to come up with ideas."
"Shut up we're focusing on how to set up George and (Y/N) right now. Not who should come up with the 'ideas'."

"Alex. I'm back!"

"Oh shit. Just tell him you came over to record a video. We can figure out the rest of this dating shit later."
"Alrighty then."

George then comes into the room.

"Oh hello James. Wait, James? Why are you here?"
"Well, I just came over to record a video. That's all.."
"You're recording another video? It's a bit early don't you think?"
Then, Alex invited himself to the conversation.
"I don't think it's early." He says.
"Umm.. okay then.."

After that horrifyingly awkward conversation, George leaves, probably confused. As soon as he was out of sight, Alex gets up and closes the door.
"I think we saved ourselves pretty good there."
"Yeah. Definitely." I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone.
"Well I'm sure he believed it!"
"Yeah, yeah."

Hey guys. This was just a bit of filler so u know im not dead. but i am losing motivation so i might stop this book. or maybe take a break from writing but i feel like id probably feel guilty if i took another break so i'll probably end the book. im sorry

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