Head Over Heels

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"I'm head over heels for this woman."

Just as I had said that, James walked in.
"What'd you say George?"
"Nothing, it's nothing,"
"Nah, tell me"
"It's nothing James,"
"George it'll bug me for the rest of the day if you don't tell me,"
"James I can't,"
"C'mon George, it can't be that bad."
I turned my head to face him and gave him a bored stare.
"Fine. I'll tell you. But you're going to hate me for it,"
"I'd never hate you George. Now c'mon, lets hear it."

He sat on my bed and I sat up.
"You know your friend, (Y/N)?"
"What about her?"
"I think i've fallen for her.."
"Well," James started, before I interrupted him.
"I can't help it!"
"You didn't let me finish George. I WAS going to say. That's great. You've needed a significant other in your life for ages."
"Thanks James." I said, rolling my eyes for extra sarcasm.
"It's only the truth."
"Yeah, yeah. Well, could you please not tell her? You know i'm piss poor with women."
"I won't."

Out of nowhere, I just started chuckling, with a hint of sadness.
"Do you think I even have a chance with her? I mean she's beautiful. Anything I've ever dreamed of in a woman. And then there's me, I look like i'm homeless James."
"Don't give up on yourself just because you like someone. And of course you'll have a chance with her, by the way, you didn't hear this from me, but you're definitely her type."

Your POV
As I started to walk home, I couldn't stop thinking of that boy. George. His chocolate brown curls. His deep blue eyes that I felt as if I looked in them too long I would get lost in them. His..(Y/N)! Stop it! He barely knows anything about you. But those luscious, charming pink lips.. shit. I've been daydreaming about James' friend for so long, I'm almost late to babysit my cousins! Thank god I'm nearly there, or my aunt would shout at me. And trust me, shes scary

I walk for a little longer and I finally reach my aunts house. Some crazy shit goes down in here, I am not excited to go in. But I have to. Ugh.

I grab the spare key on top of the door frame and unlock the door.
"Hello? I'm he-"
"COUSIN (Y/N)!" Both of my cousins, Kelly and Dylan both shouted, running to me.
"Well hello there guys,"
As soon as Kelly and Dylan reached me to give me a hug, my aunt Kim walked through the doorway. 
"Hello (Y/N). I'm only going to need you to babysit them for an hour. So I'll be back around one. You know what to feed them and what not to feed them and all that. I'll see you soon."
"Bye auntie."
"See you." She said, then swiftly walked out of the door, making sure to lock it behind her.

"Now, who wants to make cookies?"

(463 words)

~Because Of James Marriott~ [Memeulous x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now