The result

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"Tell me more about this alien race." Thor said.

Jennifer  had been  doing math to ease her mind off the reality of Midgard's fate.She looks up from the paper to see Thor had gotten into something that left him with minor injuries.Hmm, if I wasn't a big bookworm on details then I wouldn't assume Thor had went up against the JellyFish fans, Jennifer thought.Thor looks determined to know what Jennifer had not told Loki.The news must have been that breaking to Thor.

That breaking enough for him to come into Midgard in the middle of a human Vs Alien war.

"Oh." Jennifer said, in a low voice. "We honestly do not know much about them."

"I heard otherwise." Thor said."I want to hold them responsible."

Jennifer puts the pen down almost pitying Thor.

"Imagine humanoids about six feet tall,fingers similar to ET being long and rounded, wearing armor,their parts are not necessarily their own.They have weapons, they have the means to travel for infinite,and the resources to gather a large army." Jennifer explains to Thor."We didn't get anything about their weakness from his reports.He was around them for a limited time as far as I've been told."

"Why use Jellyfish Spaceships?"  Thor asks.

"That's what we asked." Jennifer said."That was the last contact Earth had with Bruce Banner."

Thor is surprised.

"Bruce went to Outer space?" Thor repeats."Was he in his right mind?"

"He was." Jennifer said. "And you went up against the most irritating opponent in the known history of alien invasions." She folds her arms."So, how did it go?"

"Terrible." Thor said.

"Did you use the hammer on their heads?" Jennifer asks, unfolding her arms.

"No." Thor said. "I used it on the other parts.I managed to take down three of them." Thor held up three fingers. "All I did for the first two was make them wrap their legs together while they were trying to shoot me down."

Jennifer is trying not to laugh at what Thor had done.

"And the last was harder." Jennifer concludes.

"It was." Thor said.

"You've officially learned the headache of the Jellyfish fans." Jennifer said, jokingly.

"You said they are connected." Thor said.

"Yes." Jennifer said.  "I did."

"Do you mean by the ships or the aliens?" Thor asks.

"Both." Jennifer said."They all die if the queen is dead." She jots down a number on the paper."These creatures,that the surviving public has gone to name 'Jellyfish fans', are connected to their spaceships of war and devastation." She wrote a math problem that not many people could solve. "They are connected to the machines after birth."

"Bruce...Bruce witnessed that?" Thor asks, surprised.

"All I know is that he had a word with some of our best people in the science and medical field." Jennifer said."The findings generally do not have Bruce's reaction."

"What if they don't die?" Thor asks. "Right after the queen is taken care of."

"Assuming the shields to the ships will be weakened; we can take care of the rest." Jennifer said.

"I would take that opportunity to slay the ones still standing." Thor said.

"I advise you do it before many vengeful pilots have a hand at it." Jennifer said. "I might not be around to see it happen, but I'll be glad to be part of it." A better view of the paper is shown; the math problems are making the shape of a jet. "Having a faulty eject seat is the best thing I can have."

"So the seat ejects itself?" Thor said.  "I never heard of a seat taking itself out."

"When the eject button is pressed, then the door to the cockpit flies open and the seat is thrown out with a parachute attached." Jennifer said.I have more copies of those photographs in the window, Jennifer thought. "And save the life of the pilot."

She had pressed that button in the flying danger event multiple times before getting taken by The Bifrost.Jennifer had almost bailed from her main mission and lost the main important cargo. It was a very close call for Jennifer.Thankfully the seat hadn't worked--the cockpit connects itself to the wheelchair and is responsible for exiting without the use of Margret--for that time.

"I don't understand." Thor said.

"Loki told you." Jennifer said.  "He should have explained it to you better than I."

"But I don't understand why you're glad about having a machine that does not work." Thor said. "It sounds as though you want to embrace death."

"Have you ever bailed a mission?" Jennifer asks.

"No." Thor said.

"Have you bailed out before carrying out an important task?" Jennifer asks.

"I have not." Thor lied.

"Thor, bail means to leave in a very important situation." Jennifer said. "I am pretty sure a god like you has done it before; just once." The side of Jennifer's human hand is covered in dark ink."It is important I do not bail before releasing the bomb."

"Are you saying you would eject after releasing the bomb?" Thor asks.

"Finally, you get it." Jennifer said, slowly clapping her hands. "Yes." She stops the clapping. "That is what am saying."

Loki and The Fighter PilotWhere stories live. Discover now