Hogwarts Express

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From the moment James had seen him, he was sold. He knew, in his bones, that this boy was going to be his person.

Hurrying alongside his parents, James had had a fleeting glance of the boy at the platform and had been determined to find him in the train. So, James had walked the entire length of the Hogwarts Express to find that beautiful boy. And there he sat. Head leaning at the window and knees folded to his chest. This boy looked beautiful even when he was brooding.

He was pale and skinny. Too skinny, James thought. His robes were jet black, with his family crest in silver. He had wavy black hair. And his eyes. God, his eyes! James would happily drown in those mercurial pools.

James stood there transfixed. After staring to his heart's content, he gathered up his courage and set forth to entice this boy to be his.

Sirius on the other hand, was very skeptical of everyone around him. Growing up as the Black heir would do that to you. So, at eleven years old, separated from the only friend he'd ever had, he was trying his very best to come off as the cold and distant blood purist his parents wanted him to be.
Sitting alone in that compartment, his mind was already wandering to how Regulus must be dealing with their mother without him there to be his shield. He was so lost in his thoughts he almost didn't hear the overly cheerful greeting.

"Hiya, mate! Mind if I sit with you?"

Sirius looked at this packet of energy in front of him with narrowing eyes. Trying to gauge him, he let his eyes wander critically over this boy. Tan skin, maroon robes, bird's nest for hair. Mischievously gleaming hazel eyes behind black rimmed glasses. And a smile that should have split his face in two. This intrusion of a boy stood there, grinning, waiting for Sirius to let him come in.

Trying to come off as nonchalant, Sirius shrugged and said, "Yeah, ok."

James sat in front of him, still smiling widely.
Sirius noted his maroon robes, which had a golden crest on them. So, this boy was at least a pure blood, thought Sirius. Well, that was an acceptably good start.

James held out his hand. "James Potter."

"Sirius Black"

Potter. Where had he heard that name? Must have been in those endless parties his mother dragged him to, Sirius thought.

Black. Shite. Just his luck. Of all the people, he was going to be running after a Black. James knew the Black family was notoriously known for their stance on blood purity and for drabbling in the dark arts. One of the sacred 28, the Black family was one of the oldest, most respected and most powerful family in the wizarding world. Every pure blood child grew up knowing this. The Blacks could be their biggest ally or their worst enemy.

"Nice to meet you, Sirius." Well, James would win over a Black, no pressure. "Are you a first year as well?"

Now, Sirius was happy to go back to his worrying and in no way, wanted to be engaged in a conversation with a complete stranger. But, he was sort of nervous about his Hogwarts debut. So, a fellow first year being nervous with him would surely help.


Monosyllabic. Great. Now James would have to coax words out of this boy as well. Sure, fate. Add on to my misery, he thought.

" Well I for one am sure as hell nervous. The sorting will be wicked."

Of course, this idiot had to bring up the sorting. The one thing that had been giving Sirius anxiety for that couple of months.

"I'm probably gonna be in Gryffindor, I reckon. My family has been in Gryffindor for as long as I can remember."

Snap. This git. He was getting on his nerves and Sirius had had enough already. Mindless chatterbox.

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