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chapter four - always watching

"SOUNDS like she made quite the impression," Ada praised Arabella once she was told what just transpired, receiving glares from the others who sat in their aunt's kitchen after calling her a badass

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"SOUNDS like she made quite the impression," Ada praised Arabella once she was told what just transpired, receiving glares from the others who sat in their aunt's kitchen after calling her a badass.

"A badass who had Tommy in a fucking chokehold, " John muttered.

"He shouldn't have fucking grabbed her then? How was she meant to know we're Peaky blinders?" Ada exclaimed, obviously angry at her brothers for riveting her new acquaintance.

All of them were sat in Polly's kitchen, and Tommy was standing, leaning on the wall, smoking his second cigarette since arriving home, profound in thought while the others argued.

None of them had seen her before, other than Ada, which confused the lot of them.

Why was she in Birmingham?

They weren't going to make the mistake of asking her that question again, since she seemed rather aggravated, to say the least when asked previously.

Thomas finished his cigarette and took his cap and coat before exiting the room.
"He called the fuckin' meeting," Ada stated in disbelief.

He kept hold of the cigarette she had touched, her lipstick stains still evident on the outer of it. He couldn't deny the part of him that was curious who this 'Arabella' is. As soon as he had arrived home he sent men to go find out who she is but came back with nothing of sustenance except that her full name was Arabella Smith.

Arabella decidedly thought that she should've acted in a calmer manner towards the men - but by no means regretted her actions

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Arabella decidedly thought that she should've acted in a calmer manner towards the men - but by no means regretted her actions.

"Fuck sake," she muttered in annoyance as she moved the thin curtain material on her window slightly, to reveal men along her road watching her, in an identical uniform to the men from the night previous. This was an expected reaction yet didn't subside her annoyance.

She lit another cigarette as she contemplated her next actions. The Shelby family were notorious in these parts for wreaking havoc; as she will come to learn further, yet knew of their name through word of mouth due to their relation to a Boswell princess.

Unbeknownst to her family except Thomas, Polly had suspected Arabella of having Gypsy roots due to her common gipsy name of 'Smith', which even that small piece of information had required great lengths to find out.

A shiver of resistance ran through her as she placed her deep taupe gloves over her hands, and walked through her door towards the exit of her place of residence. It seemed ridiculous to be subsided from her life due to men.

An air of uncanny familiarity pervaded her movements as she felt steps on her heel from the very men who had been watching her. A hot uprush of hatred and loathing overcame her - so she halted her previous path down the street and turned towards them.

The men immediately withdrew and cowered as though they hadn't just been hot on her heel as she spoke, "yes?" she queried bitterly, to receive no response from the men, just stares.

A raspy cough came from behind her in a sonorous manner, bidding her to turn.

"You have men watching me," Arabella spoke before turning to face the man - already aware of who it would be, only to find him staring at her with a cold gaze of curiosity.

Diverting his gaze from her without replying, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, placing one in his mouth and offering her one - to which she obliged.

"Can a woman not just come to a new city without being bothered and pursued by men," she spoke in an agitated sense, declining his offer to light the cigarette between her lips - rather lighting it herself.

He felt the ironic rebound of her words as he finally mused, "well most women don't carry guns to the local pub, love."

"I guess I'm not most women, " she retorted, ignoring the pet-name he gave her, as they both took drags from their cigarettes, " and if I'm right you also had a firearm on you, Mr Shelby."

The street during this interaction was unusually quiet as they communicated, allowing her to assume that it was his doing. She was most profoundly sceptical of this man - he seemed to be in the most blackest of melancholies, yet surpassed this with a grave sense of authority and coherence, even his blank gaze would chill onlookers. 

Clearing his voice once again, in an oversight to change the conversation subject, and gain her attention before speaking he initiated, " I heard that you're looking for employment, " his voice like a sweet honey wine, to which she suppressed any sign of surprise at him knowing this, just nodded in agreement - her eyes full of wondering interest.

With that, he dropped his cigarette to the ground and began walking in the opposing direction to her, before stating, " 6 Watery Lane, tomorrow."

"I don't know how to get there Mr Shelby," she retorted with an amused curl to her mouth. "Ask anyone in Birmingham, " turning to face her for the last part, his deep cerulean eyes searching her face to see her baffled stare, "and it's Thomas,"- before continuing his previous path, mind echoing wandering words of uncertainty.

 "Ask anyone in Birmingham, " turning to face her for the last part, his deep cerulean eyes searching her face to see her baffled stare, "and it's Thomas,"- before continuing his previous path, mind echoing wandering words of uncertainty

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"You what?"

chapter four!!
i'm v excited to explore different paths in this story through arabella's character so i hope you enjoyed reading this:)
like&comment if you'd like
remember to drink lots of water <3
love brooke x

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