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Ginny and I take her seats. There's a rumour that Sirius Black has escaped from azkaban, that's why we are all gathered here this early, Dumbledore proved the rumour to be true.

"Well here we are, the dreaded news, I knew it we're fu-"

And there he was in all his evil glory, Professor Snape. Stood between us a barricade 

"I'm sorry sir, my friend here is mentally unstable..." I growled through my teeth giving in Ginny a stern look.

"Just quiet down girls."

We sat in our seats, across the row, comparing timetables with our eyes.

"Wow this will be handy on Thursday first period, right outside the common room for me." She joked. Right, so now on a Thursday, i have to cross paths with Harry, Oliver, Ron and Neville whilst walking to lesson with Draco Malfoy

"Um yeah but it won't be handy in helping my five boy issue." I whisper gesturing at who was sitting directly behind me, back turned.

"I'm sorry what did you just say? FIVE BOYS!!!"

"Keep your voice down." I nudged my head towards the boy sitting opposite me.

"OMG DARLA!" I give her a stern look to yet again keep her voice down "Oh My God Darla an older boy, that's so unlike you." she mouths to me

"I know but this stays between me and you, pinky swear?" By this time Oliver had taken the Gryffindor quidditch team to the pitch to practice. 

"Pinky swear! Soooo who are the other 4 lucky/not so lucky guys and which one are you gonna go for this year."

"I'm leaving it until the end of the week to decide."

*Mail gets dropped in front of me*

Oliver : Hey stupid, see you later.

I blush and shake my head at him, watching him smirk and redirect his teams focus to his lead, he finally heads out the door.

"So that one, he's Oliver. I met him last year at the potions tutoring and we haven't stopped speaking since."

"OOOO cute. Talented too, can't wait to see you both teaching here one day!!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I can't be sure that he's the one. I'm still torn between Neville and Malfoy. Malfoy is so sweet but he's with Cho now, it sounds mean but I don't want to be the one to pick up the pieces again. Neville is so lovely but I'm not sure if he's my type, but we flirt like we should be together, I just can't help but think of him as a brother."

"I think I can guess the next one and you don't need to explain, you guys are perfect for eachother, talk about highschool sweethearts! You and Cedric are literally perfect." she said with slight disappointment in her voice.

"You guessed it." I sighed, "And speaking of brothers..."

"Uh-oh. I think I know where this is going." Ginny sang under her breath.

"I know I know, but I can't help it! Every time he messages me or he talks to us when I'm over, I just get butterflies." I slump onto the desk.

"Seeing you guys both happy together is smile worthy, not to Harry though clearly."

In my daydream I zoned out on the one person I was hoping not to stare at. As I welcome myself back into reality I lock eyes with Draco, he smiles and throws over a wink just before the bell lets us go to our next lesson. I once again shake my head at him, trying to make it not blatantly obvious that I enjoyed it. I stare at him. Pull him over as we are leaving as a house.

Me: Pull a stunt like that again Mr Malfoy and I will have to expel you.

He laughs and looks back at me, sticking his tongue out, teasing me into knowing that he will do it again just to wind me up.

As the bell rings I realise I have charms... on the other side of the fricking school... Are you joking?! I go to storm the quick way out of the hall so I could quite literally sprint to my next lesson when I feel someone tug on my bag.

"Seatbelt!" a boy with brown fluffy hair and cheeky smile that danced upon his lips looked back at me.

"Oh look D, its Neville, I'll give you some alo-" I cover her mouth and push her back to her history class.

"Will you be joining me with Miss Trelawny and the wonderful world of Divination period three?" He dramatically twirled his hand up like Shakespeare and spoke in a posh voice, how can you not giggle at that.

"Ummm actually yes you will  good sire." I sip an imaginary tea with my pinky out to join him.

"Well that's great to hear, I cannot bare it without you. You're a great help you know?" by this time we're outside charms at the centre of our school. I awkwardly nod at him as my bag falls off my shoulder, the planner falls out my hand with it, revealing my timetable.

"Let me get that for you."

"No no you really don't have to."

And in sync we bend down to get the bag and planner, making intense eye contact on the ground. He is first to break the comfortable silence:

"Potions with Snape, that rough. Cedric will be happy though"


"Nothing." He snapped and realised what he said. "In the meantime, let me walk you to class."

"Neville you know you don't have to do th-"

"Hush, I have this class anyway. Come on link, my arm my lovely."

"I really don't think I should do that, you know." I look away from him disappointed and start heading off to charms. He pulls me back and looks at me with raised eyebrows as if suggesting that no ones around. The devil on my shoulder is really overpowering the angel.

"Come on you can't turn down my offer twice in 6 months."

"Okay Longbottom, you've got yourself a deal."

I link his arm as he walks me up the stairs and instant guilt hits me like a train. Oliver is outside, he just saw everything that happened.

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