3. Tree house? Alright.

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"Are we there yet?" Ben groaned from my right. We were stuffed into the backseat of the car, my brothers and I, heading towards our new house.

My headphones were rested around my neck, while I held my phone tightly in my hands. I was quite nervous to tell you the truth.

I didn't know how to take this all in. Everything was about to change.


"Yes, Ben. We are here!" mom squealed happily.

I hadn't even realized the car was stopped when I looked up from my phone.

Looking out the window I saw a two story house, white in color, with a black shingled roof and window shutters. The door was bright red, and a large oak tree sat in the front yard.

It was beautiful - honestly.

"Luke? You coming?" dad asked, breaking me from my daze. I choked out a "Yeah" and got out of the car.

I heard the moving van creak open behind me, as mom unlocked the front door, and Ben and dad helped the moving guys unload our furniture.

"This is it, huh?" Jack said in a smug tone, coming up beside me. I cracked a grin, "I suppose so, brother."

He chuckled and took off for the front door, where I followed him.

This isn't so bad.


It was 8:39 when dinner reached the table - which was a delivered pizza. We had been moving furniture around, and unpacking all day, and we were finally semi-settled in.

We still had to get to the little things, but beds, appliances, everything was in.

I sat around the table with my family, taking a piece of pepperoni pizza from the box.

"I'm starving.." I mumbled, immediately taking a bite of the delicious pie.

Dad chuckled, "Good work today, son - all of you. I really did appreciate the help with the appliances, Ben."

Ben just grinned, and continued eating.

I think he was feeling a lot better about this whole thing, just like I was.

It wasn't home - but it'll be alright. I just have to get used to it, right?

"Oh Luke! I talked to the band director at Greenway. He has  offered to give you a few summer lessons, before band camp, if you really want to. He said he needed another trumpet -"

"Band? Like as in marching band?" Ben said, interrupting mom. She gave him a look of disapproval, which he just ignored.

"You aren't serious, are you?! You're going to be in band? Luke, that's just setting yourself up for a beating. Band kids are total losers," he directed towards me. I shrugged, "What's so wrong with band kids? They play instruments -"

"They are complete nerds, Luke. You don't want to be in band. I promise you that. Plus, I can't have anyone know my little brother is in marching band. That will ruin me!" Ben whined to our mother. She shook her head, "Oh shut your mouth, Ben. This will be good for Luke. While you and Jack are at soccer practice, he will be at band. He needs to experience something in his high school career," she turned to me, "Look, Luke. Your dad agrees, we really believe you should do this. We had a great time back when we were in school. At competitions, football games - it'll be so much fun.What do you say?" She smiled wide, hope in her big blue eyes.

I looked around the table to see dad giving me a smirk, and Jack waiting for an answer. Ben shook his head no, with a glare.

Luke, the trumpet player..

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