Chapter 6

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"He'll be lucky if he ever sees the light of day. The judge gave him life." Carisi and Amanda were discussing the outcome of your most recent case. After James Kesley was detained, he was convicted. The punishment did in fact fit the crime. He threatened to bomb an entire precinct. Not to mention attempted rape. 

What you couldn't shake was how horrified he looked in court. You had to testify, and the moment he saw your face he lost it. He almost pulled a gun from one of the officers who tried to calm him down. Safe to say he'd be locked up for a very long time. But that terror, that look of absolute fear, you couldn't help but wonder if you were the real monster in this scenario. What would you have done if the police didn't show up when they did. You told yourself you wouldn't kill him, but what if you did in fact ended up crossing that line.

What was stopping you the next time a criminal did something terrible, could you trust yourself to do the right thing? You pressed your face into the desk, trying to gather your thoughts. The lights in the room started flickering and you looked up. Carisi and Amanda did as well.

"What's with the electricity lately, that's been happening a lot." Amanda pondered. You clenched your eyes shut to try and halt the blinking lights. When they finally did you released a heavy breath. "Hey you okay (Y/N), you look a bit pale." Carisi walked over placing a hand on your shoulder and you stood quickly. 

"I'm fine!" you snapped. The window a few feet away burst open and wind rushed in, knocking over the papers on your desk. A couple officers moved over to shut the window. Carisi raised his hand at the harsh breeze, then his eyes trained on you. Your head lowered as you basically ran out of the precinct, heading in the direction of the bathroom. You almost ran into Nick on your way out.

"(Y/N)?" you just walked around him, not making eye contact. When Nick entered he turned to his team for answers. "It's probably just the case, everyone deals with these things differently, give her a little space." Amanda advised. Carisi bent to pick up the papers. As he was doing it, his eyes drifted to the window. "Guys, there's something I've been wondering for a while now..." His words trailed off as he stacked your papers securely back on your desk.

"A lot of weird stuff has been happening since (Y/N) showed up, at first I thought maybe I was just imagining it. " He sat at his desk, at this point both Nick and Amanda were listening intently. He pulled up a clip. The title read. 'The Flash in action.' Amanda snorted.

"Are you serious, you actually believe that stuff." Carisi ran a hand over his head. "At first I didn't but I did research. Apparently there was an explosion in Central City a few years back. The entire town was in chaos. A few months later there were reports of people displaying all kinds of weird abilities." Carisi opened another link, they were all stunned at the video of a wormhole opening in the sky. "T-That has to be fake.." Nick muttered.

"I checked it all, this isn't the only one. That Flash guy, he always shows up when something is about to go wrong. From what I gather he's supposed to be some type of hero. Spandex and everything." Another video appeared and they watched as a man in a red suit zoomed from one side of the screen to the next. Amanda let out a startled sound. "That's.."

"Impossible." Carisi finished. "That's what I said. Listen, this could be all some ruse you know, to draw in people in their state, who knows. What I do know is James Kesley had defensive wounds all over his body. Broken ribs, busted lip, the works. Now there's no way someone can inflict that kind of pain and walk away without so much as a bruise. He weighs twice as much as her. And he insisted in court that she attacked him without laying a finger on him. 

The guy may have been a scumbag, but the look in his eye when he saw her, that was fear. Fear of something he couldn't explain. " Carisi's statement left a lot for them to consider. Nick wasn't stupid either, for a while now he'd suspected something was different about you. He just couldn't put his finger on it, that and he respected you enough to know that you would tell him what was wrong when you were ready.

Nick Amaro (Law and Order SVU) AUWhere stories live. Discover now