1. 'Let Us Cling Together as the Years Go By'

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London, 1984

"And now, Dr. May would like to say a few words," the Dean of Sciences introduced.  There was applause from the gathering as Brian got to his feet and took to the stage, shaking the Dean's hand before facing the microphone and addressing the crowd.

"Hello folks. Thanks for being here tonight, myself and the other staff really appreciate it. Now I am very excited and honoured to have my book published, and part of me can't believe it's really happened, after so long." There were some knowing chuckles from both staff and students. "This book actually comes with a funny story," Brian continued.  "When I was doing my Masters, which feels like a very long time ago now,  I was doing an early draft of my thesis and I was always working on it, including when my friends and I went to the lake for a weekend. And an early draft of my thesis blew right into the lake." There were some gasps.  "I know, I thought my life was over." Again, this rose some knowing chuckles. "But, luckily for me and my thesis, one of my friends, a girl I happened to have a big, fat crush on at the time, jumped into the lake without hesitation and rescued my thesis. And thankfully too, for much of it went into the book you see here today. It's all thanks to her." 

Now there was a chorus of 'Awwws'. 

"Now you already know what happened to my thesis, but you may be wondering about the girl I had a crush on-" Brian looked right at Lettie.  "We're happily married now, with three children, and she's here tonight, supportive as ever, the very stylishly-dressed woman in the front here." He gestured to her and Lettie blushed as all eyes fell upon her. "This book wouldn't have been possible without you, Lettie Love, thank you." He blew her a kiss. 

The cries of 'Awww!' only increased. She giggled, blushing madly, and lay her hand over her heart, smiling back. 

Following Brian's speech, a signing of his book was held. Students and staff lined up before the table at the front of the room, all eager to purchase a copy of Dr. May's book.

"Congratulations, Dr. May," three young women said when it was their turn to get their books signed.  

"Thank you, ladies."

"We're from your Physics class."

"Yes, that's right, you usually sit in the front row, don't you?"

"Yes, we do." They shared a giggle. Lettie rolled her eyes - she clearly saw what was going on here. 

"Shall I make it out to yourselves? Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Clara, right?"

"You remembered our names!" they giggled.

"I try my best to know my students by their names. Don't want to seem like one of those cold professors who doesn't make any effort."

"Well we think you're great!"

"Well thank you, I appreciate it. Also, my daughter's name is Clara, so easy to remember." He handed them back their freshly-signed copies. "There you are."

"Thank you Dr. May!"

"You're welcome."

"See you on Tuesday!"

"Yes, see you then."

There were only a few more people in line, then Brian began packing up.

"They definitely all have a crush on you," Lettie chuckled, speaking of the three girls.

"Huh?" Brian said.  "No."

"Oh definitely. No wonder  they sit in the front row. They are completely and utterly smitten by their dashing, young, handsome, smart professor, but that's just my humble opinion."

"Hmm, and you're sure that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you're my wife?"

"Not at all, my smart and sexy scientist."

They chuckled and shared a kiss before walking hand-in-hand out to the parking lot. 

"Well I'd say that was a successful night," he remarked as they drove home.  

"It certainly was."

"How was my speech? I didn't seem too nervous, did I?"

"No, not at all. It was wonderful. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Love. And I meant it, you know, I couldn't have gotten this far without your support. I would have crumbled beneath the stress long ago."

"Well I'm happy to help, always. And it's the least I can do. After all, you've been nothing but supportive of my own dreams and aspirations the whole way through." 

"Well that's what I'm here for, and I'm happy to be."

Soon enough they were pulling into their front driveway. 

"Shall we relieve my brother of babysitting duty?"

"I think we should."

Unlocking the front door and stepping inside, they found Chip sprawled out on the sofa.  

"Are you sleeping on the job?" Lettie accused. 

"Never!" Chip swung up into a seated position, rubbing his eyes. "But, taking care of three little kids is tough."

"Yes, it is." 

"Especially your wild kids."


"But I love them anyways."

Lettie chuckled.  "Yes. We do too. Same with you - you drive me crazy but I love you anyways."


Lettie chuckled.  "So, how late did they get to bed?"

"Bold of you to assume that I would put them to bed late!" A pointed look from his sister made him cave moments later. "Fine, about twenty minutes - maybe pushing half an hour."

"Chip, it's a school night!"

"I know, but they were much too excited to go to bed - Jesus, they've got so much energy! I wish I had half that energy. And besides, they go to bed at like eight o'clock anyway."

Lettie rolled her eyes and reached into her purse, withdrawing some bills.  "Here you are, thanks again."

"Anytime." Chip took the cash. "See you on Sunday at Mum and Dad's then?"

"Yes. Oh, will we get to meet the new girlfriend finally?"


"Well I hope so."

"Yeah, I know. Congrats again on your book, Brian."

"Thanks, Mate. And thanks for watching the little ones."

"Yup, my pleasure.  You read it yet, his book?" Chip asked his sister.

"I'm trying... I'm making some progress."

"Lettie, it's your own husband's book!"

"I know! But it's very technical. I almost need him sitting there beside me while I read so I can ask all my questions." 

Brian chuckled.  "I appreciate the effort, Love." He kissed her.

"Okay, that's my cue - I'm out. See you lot on Sunday!" 

"Bring your girlfriend!"

"Yeah, yeah." With that, Chip was gone. 

"You'd better get to bed yourself, it's a school night for you too," Lettie remarked as Brian yawned.

"It most certainly is. There's no rest for Dr. May." 

They snuck into the kids' rooms to kiss them goodnight before heading to their own room to bed themselves. 

(Hello and welcome to the sequel to 'You Take My Breath Away'. I'm super excited for this story! :D

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! :))

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