A day in life of rakshit shergill 💲

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a race track is shown and huge amount of public is gathered to watch it in the V.V.I.P. section we can see a young charming man is seen with a perfect beard and a seductive smile. looking at his eyes one can be hypnotized any moment, his eyes seem to hold an excitement a desire to achieve and a passion to rise.

 looking at his eyes one can be hypnotized any moment, his eyes seem to hold an excitement a desire to achieve and a passion to rise

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[ image of the house has been given in the media box and just imagine a swimming pool in the backyard of the house ]

so coming back to the race 

announcements were being made ; we can see thousands of people cheering for their biking idols who they though were the best and some were just waiting for it to end so that they could know what the results were ass they had bidded  on the bikers about who would win and one of them was rakshit shergill

so the race  had started and soon ended 

the winner was declared and 

In the V.V.I.P. section we can see rakshit sitting with a winning smirk and the other bidders looking at him with envious eyes as he always won these bidding but little did the know that the person that they were talking about has been watching bike races and has been a fan ever since .

as soon as he came out of the tracks and sat in his car he received a call from his mom

"dear come home we NEED TO TALK " she almost screamed in my ears through her voice i could make i guess she got another proposal for my marraige. hold on let me guess.......................... i guess this is the 20th no no no no this 28th one i still remember the 5th one .hey don't think she was good or pretty but she was totally opposite but i still thought she might be intelligent looking at her bio data but a conversation of 15 minutes with her proved me wrong .

anyway my thoughts were broken when she almost screamed my name through my phone that even y driver almost heard well saying an okay i just disconnected the call no sooner did i finish the call  from mom than vinay called me and ya he is my manager 


"hello sir"

"what happened vinay "

"ummm ... sir "

"say clearly you no i don't like indirect talks "


"say it clearly vinay and a little slowly"

"sir your second p.a. resigned this month !!!"

'ok..... wait what.....  not again "

"yes sir"

"okay vinay this is the last warning i want a p.a. and make sure she/he  doesn't resign so soon "

"sir i may appoint but how am i make sure that the person doesn't leave "

"vinay use some brains.....do a thing make a contract in which make the clauses that the person cannot resign before 1year 6months or he she has to pay the amount stated"

"okay sir "

hardly did i cot the call when i reched home . I genrally take a work from home during the days when i have bike races to attend . anyway i fremebered mom had called me home urgently saying WE NEED TO TALK well everhy man is scared of this line specially from his mother god knows what she needs to discuss well my major guess is marraige lets see what happens 

soon i entered the house 

rashi came running and started hiding behind me and behind her came simran and they both were running around me well whatever happens i can never get angry at my sisters 

soon mom came from the kitchen i guess instructing workers and saw me and the two kids running around me and she told simran and rashi not to irritate me and then looked at me with a strong look and said go freshen up and meet me in the hall as soon as possible . the look she gave was hell serious man it made me gulp my saliva .

i started to proceed towards my room when i heard  her telling simran and twinkle to call eveyone down stairs within 30 minutes so i entered my room kept my coat in the laundary basket and then kept the laptop bag on the couch along with my phone and wallet

going inside the closet i took out some comfortable tracks and a shirt keeping it on the bed i went to take shower 

entering a warm shower i felt all my tension and stress drain down along with the warm water which trickled down my skin 

coming out i freshened and changed into the outfit took my laptop and stated proceeding towards the hall as soon as i entered i came everyone seated on the sofa were looking at me with a serious look and then i looked at shikar and asked him through eyes what happened he said that i am dead by showing his thumb drawing a horizontal line on his neck 

ignoring the glares i tried to make myself comfortable on the sofa and tried working on my laptop. do mark my words I "TRIED" 

all the suspicious glares reaching me was just creeping me out and the there was so much tension present in the atmosphere could be felt clearly this glaring session continued for the next 15 minutes but i was feeling that they were eyeing me as i was some desert and the last piece left and all are about to pound upon me. Common its so obvious who does not love desert but unfortunately i am restricted to each much deserts by my trainer to maintain the physique that every girl ok fine almost major of the girls drool over .any way coming to my slaughtering i was so frustrated with all the glares i was getting that i harshly closed my laptop taking care that my baby doesn't get hurt but still it was harsh any way i just groaned in frustration and losing all the patience i had i shouted i guess a little loudly 

"why is everyone eyeing me as i am a prey and is about to be slautered"

guys i am sorry for not posting in a while i guess iwould try togive more frequent updates from now onwards and also will try to give a longer part next time 

do vote and comment 

and keep thinking about what does everyone wants to talk to rakshit ??

thank you,


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