some things to know about the story line

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drishti is looking for a job as  she is an hidden identity so no one knows who she is so every one thinks she is a free lancer that is the reason to make people think that she is not a free lancer romi has applied for a job in SGC and she is living in a society near to the flat and sometimes she visits sharma mansion or someone comes to meet her and even sometimes divya stays with her she sometimes take off to visit sharma mansion or bike racing competitions

and even during bike competition she does not go to collect award she takes part and as soon as the competition gets  over she goes away and her manager mr.brown takes . and in every competition she calls the owner of a orphanage or old house home and gives him half the prize money for the betterment of people living there . she make sure's that the sum is used for welfare of people .

rakshit also donates 20% of his yearly turn over to the orphanages .

his father is in london for past few years as there is some issue in the london branch so sometimes mahima goes to visit him in london .

all characters of  shergill family are same as the show but here rashi twinkle simran are really close to drishti but are not able to speak in front of their family but always console drishti if any thing happens . 

vinay is the manager of rakshit 

 lavanya is hated by all of them and hence is tried to be kept  away from rakshit she acts as she loves him but she acts same with every rich boy and tells people she and rakshit are dating but every time gets publically gets insulted by him and she is actually a free girl and not at all strong but behaves as if she can even lift an elephant .

thank you for loving the story and please do keep loving and do vote and comment if you have any suggestion i will surely try to add it in the story 

do tell if there are any mistakes 

thank you

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