divya's enterance

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recap- dri - what happened! dont tell me you got into some sort of fight or did you miss a really miss an important meeting or worse did you forgot to inform me about the upcoming bike racing competition and anyways after me coming back from london [so guys drish was in london for a matter of 3 years and some things are yet to unfold] you are forgeting many things she said being annoyed as hell

romi just smiled and said

romi- sis chill its not about any of which you mentioned okay so calm down and i will only tell once we reach home




so they finally reach home ??????

or they don't 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Third person's pov

so as they were driving due to the curiosity of what made romi smile so brightly drishti said to romi that 

'Romi fasten your seatbellt we are about to fly through the streets.'

romi had done it half way when the car went speeding through the lanes as they were taking a turn a sudden car came from the opposite end trying to speed on romi's side when she takes a sharp cut and continues

 leaving the shouting man behind within the next 15 minutes they were outside their house and entering the garage exiting the  car locking it she goes to the button behind the car on the wall pressing on it as box slides out placing the car keys on it it slides back into the wall 

they walk into the house to find the whole family sitting in the dining table with  two seats on the right side by sarthak who is sitting at the head of the table so the take their seats drishti beside sarthak and romi next to her.

Drishti's Pov 

so as soon as we take a seat I  turns to romi and say"spilll itttttttttttt"

 at that moment my mother says that we both should have dinner first as divya is also waiting and we hear a loud bang go i quickly take a gun out from behind my back where it was tucked and rush along with everyone where the voice is heard and see divya walking down in her pajamas had just walking down with her airpods in her ears and had music blasting so loud that she  didn't realised she had dropped the vase sitting by the stairs and continued dancing around without seeing .

like wtf

i looked around to see dad romi me mom and chachi all with guns out and prince coming out of the kitchen with a knife in between his mouth and the cooks coming out with a spatula large ass spoon and a roller pin .........hold on what that was not even it all other guys came with all the shit the could find which was a fucking broom hold on a Ak47 and a sniper whats up with people in this house and moreover whats wrong with this who is still dancing her ass of like a mad woman unawre of her surrondings as if finally realising there are people around she pulled out the airpods and litreallyyyyy smiles 

she fucking smiles like really after making us think like a fucking intruder has entered to murder or steal or whatever she smilesss 

"i swear divi i am gonna murder you someday " shouted me and romi 


sorry everyone for keeping you guys waiting  and also for the short part i will try to give you a longer update this week 

and guess whos back after a very long break i was sorry got a little to busy with travelling and study things 

so have a good time 

thank you 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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