Chapter 6: The library

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Eventually, the children's exhaustion subsided and they were able to stand up. Charles and Sam grabbed onto each of Yanna's arms and like a deflating balloon they elegantly float down to the side of the building. "after we get to the ground I don't think you should fly anymore." Charles advised, "Just in case."
By the time the children got to the ground, Bear was just coming around the corner.
"Hey, Bear," Yanna mumbled.
"We have to go to the library, now!" Bear started looking worried.
"What do you mean?" Charles asked.
"I'll explain later, " Bear answered. "It's over there." He pointed in a direction going further into the city.
"Come on, " Charles began to walk as Yanna and Sam followed. Bear grabbed Sam's arm causing her to stop. "Remember what you asked me to look up?" He asked.
"Yeah, what did you find?" Sam asked.
"I'm worried about Charles. I don't think that nightmare was just that. Have you ever heard of the Chaos and the Centurial War?"
"You mean like the one in Royal Dragons? What does that have to do with anything?" Yanna asked.
"Everything. Come on." The two joined with the other half of the court of the Dragon as they walked in the direction of the Modern York Public Library. Halfway there, the kids stop to grab breakfast.
"Okay, let's remember that I'm not made of money so we'll have to watch our budget," Charles said.
"That reminds me. You said you were saving for a car right?" Yanna asked.
"Yeah," Charles answered wondering what this could be about.
"You and Bear were waiting for me right after school ended."
"When did you get the money? Or do you always take that much to school with you?" Charles looked surprised by the question.
"I take it with me to school," Charles said nervously.
"That's weird. Why not keep it at home?" Bear suggested.
"Hey, can we drop where I keep and don't keep my own money." Charles tried to stay calm but annoyance and anger were clear in his words. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "I'm gonna get our food." He announced walking off.
"That was weird." Bear proclaimed.
"Yeah." Yanna agreed.
"Bear, you said you were worried about Charles," Sam said to change the subject.
"Right. Has either of you read Royal Dragons?" Bear questioned.
"the story of the 3 kings of the Centurial War," Sam said. "But I don't understand what this has to do with Charles."
"I haven't heard of it," Yanna stated.
"It's an old story about dragons and kings that take place during a 100-year war," Sam explained. "But I don't understand what this has to do with Charles."
"The war wasn't fought between people, but it was humanity against one dragon. Chaos," Bear stated. "In the ending battle, all of the magic on earth was condensed into one sphere. It was called the ball of chaos or Pila de Chao."
"Like his nightmare," Yanna gasped in disbelief. "Can Charles speak Latin?"
"I didn't think so before, but he has to in order to speak it in his sleep," Sam answered.
"Either way I think that all of this is related to that story and that Charles may be a very important part of it." Bear proclaimed. Charles came back to the table with a white ticket and sat down.
"We're order number 626 so keep an ear out." The others nodded thinking about their previous conversation.
"Hey Charles, " Sam called out.
"Yeah, " he replied.
"Do you happen to speak Latin by any chance?"
"No, why?" Charles looked puzzled.
"No reason, I was just curious." Sam looked down. She was hoping that his answer would be different. Now what Bear had said was starting to make the slightest bit more sense.
"What's with all the weird questions all of a sudden?" Charles asked calmly.
"What do you mean?"
"First it was my money, now you're asking whether I speak Latin or not. I'm fine with questions but you have to admit that the Latin one was weird." The others looked at each other. Charles was beginning to get nervous. "Can you guys speak it?" They shook their heads. "Then why ask me? Is it an inside joke?" The others again looked back at each other in caution.
"626!" A male voice called out.
"I'm gonna grab the food." Said Charles before getting up and leaving. When he came back all four of them sat in their own silence. Once their meal was over they started their journey over to the library again. Finally, they arrive at their destination. The Modern York Public Library. The building was mostly the same as they had seen in books but instead of two lions, two stone tigers laid on the pillars outside of the building. Small groups of tourists we're outside taking pictures while a steady stream of people walked in and out. After going through the security check, they aimlessly walk around the castle of a building. After a few minutes of walking, Sam speaks up.
"Are we lost?" Sam asks Bear.
"Not lost just, " Bear thinks for a moment "misplaced."
"Bear, we've been in this weird version of New York for almost a day! I'd like to go home."
"We all do, but first we have to figure out where we are."
"I think we're in a library." Charles intervened.
"Not the time," Sam said sternly.
"Look, it's not my fault this building needs a map!" Bear exclaimed. "If you think you can find it better go ahead."
"Fine!" Sam stormed off in the other direction. Charles and Yanna couldn't believe that Sam would have actually left. Bear was too stubborn to stop her.
"I should go with her so she doesn't get lost," Charles stated walking towards Sam. Yanna stayed with Bear as they walked down the hall.
"Hey, Sam are you alright?" Charles asked Sam after catching up with her.
"I was just annoyed, that's all. Do you think I overreacted?" She asked.
"Definitely," Charles answered. "But I would have to. We all would." Sam looked down in embarrassment. Her head now hidden in her hood. "I know you're frustrated. We all are." Charles tried to cheer her up. "We're all just a little stressed. Honestly, who could blame us? It's the middle of the day and we hadn't come home." The 2 find their way back to the main entrance as Bear and Yanna go deeper in the building.
"God. Where is the stupid library?" Bear yelled in frustration. Yanna stayed silent only following him step by step. "Maybe we should go catch up with the others. What do you think?" Yanna still stayed silent. "Yanna, I am trying to engage in conversation here." Bear said. "If this is about the issue on the bus I'm sorry." Yanna simply stared with a mix of mild anger and sadness. "I understand you're angry with every right to be but please, at the very least, tell me where do you think we should go." Yanna without saying a word turned around and started walking. Bear followed hastily. It seemed as though she heled no intention of ever talking to him again. It only took minutes for the gang to meet up again near the entrance to the catalogue room which connected the hallway to the library. They walk in finding walls of books to read.
"Bear, do you know a book that can help? You seemed like getting here was urgent." Charles asked.
"Don't call me that." Bear shook his head. "I may not know how we got here but I believe we'll find the answer to that and to How to get home."
"In a library?" Sam asked.
"Specifically this library."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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