IWYAA Part 2

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A/N: Characters' thoughts in ITALIC ... 

---------------------------- Flash back 9 years ago.

9th Class...

Khushi was doodling away on a paper, she hated physics. She can never get hang of the formulas and unlimited laws. Even today she tried to understand what teacher was telling them, but after 15 minutes or so she had lost interest. She took a piece of paper and started doodling ... then looking at the window she started sketching the scene outside ... soon the paper got filled ... she crunch the paper and throw it away.

The teacher turn, hearing the sound of paper and saw it on the floor, she went and picked it up. Khushi got alert as now she will get the scolding. But the teacher mistook it to be boy who was sitting 2 seats ahead of Khushi on her left side of row.

"What is this Arnav?", asked Teacher angrily, holding out the paper in front of the boy, at whose feet the paper landed when Khushi had threw it.

"Mam, this is not mine", said the boy whose name was Arnav. Khushi notice that it was the new boy who had joined their school few days back.

"No lying Arnav, it was near your desk ... shame on you ... if you don't want to study you can get out of the class", said the teacher very sternly.

"No Mam, ... um sorry", said Arnav. The teacher move back to the blackboard giving stern looks to the class.

Khushi felt guilty that because of her, someone else got the scolding, she decided to apologize to the new boy in the lunch break.

Khushi found the boy sitting on the back side of the class building, there was a wide corridor which lead to the store room, and adjacent to that corridor was wall of playground and a very big tree on opposite of wall whose shadow fell on to the 6, 8 steps of stairs which go up to the door of store room. She was surprise to find him there ... as it was her spot ... when she felt sad, like crying or upset ... she would come to this place and sat on the stairs.

Arnav look up when he found a girl from his class standing at the foot of steps looking at him with her big hazel eyes.

"um .. I am .. Sorry", said Khushi while her one hand fidgeted with her braid.

Arnav looked at her confuse, "For what?".

"That paper was mine and the teacher scolded you ... I am sorry for that", said Khushi in fast pace.

"Oh ...", his eyes got harden. "If you don't want to study then why were you sitting in the class?", Arnav asked the same question which teacher had asked him.

"Its not like that", Khushi looked down embarrassingly, "I just don't get hang of Physics ... and um Maths ... so I got bore so I was just drawing ... just like that", finished Khushi and look up at the boy who was staring at her with his charming brown eyes.

Khushi couldn't help but agree that those were the most charming eyes she had seen.

"You should have said something when the teacher was scolding me for your deed", said Arnav a bit rudely.

"Sorry", said Khushi bending her head.

Arnav did not say anything and look down at his book, which he was reading.

"So ... um ... you forgiven me?", asked Khushi. Arnav did not answer.

Khushi look at him, and then left from there. After few minutes she was back and thrust her hand forward under Arnav's eyes.

"What the", he exclaimed looking at the ice-cream cup in her hand.

"Look I am really sorry, I don't like it when someone is upset because of me and I didn't knew what you like ... and I like ice cream very much ... so I bought this for you ... so now please forgive me", said Khushi in her usual fast pace.

Arshi TS:  It was you all along  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now