IWYAA PArt 3 - B

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A/N: Characters' thoughts in ITALIC ... 

----------- Flash back - 1 year 9 months ago.

"What are you doing here?", asked Arnav when he saw Lavanya entering his cabin.

"That's what I came here to ask you", said Lavanya coming to his desk ... putting hands on back of the chair, "What are you doing here? Have you looked at the time?".

Arnav looked on his left, clock on wall showing 9.10 pm, he sighed and looked down at file, "I am working".

"Working? Arnav you are tiring yourself out. Di told me about your late night stays at office. Have you looked at yourself? What have you done to yourself?", said Lavanya in concern tone.

"I am fine Lavanya ... there is just more work lately", said Arnav flipping the page.

"Don't lie Arnav ... you are dealing with 2, 3 projects at a time, even before their date", said Lavanya and then look at Arnav who didn't respond much ... she knew what she had to do now.

"Is it about Khushi ... isn't it?", said Lavanya and saw Arnav go rigid, his hand stopped writing.

"It's not about Khushi", Arnav gritted his teeth.

"It is Arnav ... it is ... since the time she had left 2 months ago you have drown yourself in work. Do you think we haven't notice? Me and Di and your family ... Di told me how you leave for office early morning and come home late every night ... and you're not even taking care of your health. You have fallen sick twice Arnav. You say its work but I know what it is", said Lavanya and saw Arnav standing up and coming to her.

"Lavanya please leave ... I am not in a mood to talk about it", said Arnav giving a warning look to her.

"Well I am", said Lavanya with determine look. "It's enough now ... you have been avoiding her topic and she is too doing the same. Whenever I call her ... she refuses to talk about you ... whats wrong with you two? Why can't you two just sort it out", said Lavanya a bit loud ... she had been getting frustrated with both of their behaviors.

"Sort out? How to sort out? She is gone ok ... she left", said Arnav (she left me), said his heart.

"So? She hasn't gone to another country or out of this world Arnav. If she is being stubborn then at least please you think being a mature one ... you can go to her and talk", said Lavanya.

Arnav turn to go back to his seat but Lavanya grab his arm.

"Arnav please ... go to her, talk to her. If she has hurt you then you have also said some harsh words ... just sort this matter once for all. I can't see you like this, Di and Nani are also very worried about you".

Arnav look at her with the look saying he won't.

"Arnav sometimes in anger we do things which we don't mean ... and Khushi had told me many times how your anger is. You always feel guilty when once you get cool down. So please for once, just think with cool mind. Go to her ... she is your best friend. I mean you know from how long you two are best friends right? The type of friendship you both have ... I always adored it. People wish for that kind of friendship ... so don't ruin it because of your ego or anger ... please", said Lavanya and left his arm.

"I hope you think about what I have said", said Lavanya patting his arm and left from his cabin.

Arnav went to his chair and lean back closing his eyes. Since the time Khushi has left, he had missed her every single day. He was habitual of seeing her every day ... spending half the day with her, then their late night chats. Khushi use to bring him food when he was at his Mama's company doing his part time job ... he miss all that. Doesn't Khushi miss him? She hasn't called him in past two month nor a single message ... even she doesn't talk to Lavanya about him. Why? Was their friendship was that weak? That it could break with just one fight?

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