IWYAA Part 3 - C (Last Part)

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A month passed by ... the awkwardness and hesitation was going away ... and they were at more ease sharing things with each other, not only about Muskaan but their own personal feelings about things. Khushi had started to call him at office asking him about his lunch and also sending him the tiffin whenever she made something special for him. Arnav had started to call or message her before leaving office or when he would get late. Sometimes he would bring chat or gol-gappas or ice-cream for her while coming back from office and would enjoy her various expression savoring the food. Arnav realizes that she had become mature in matters of life and handling relations but she was still a kid at heart. And he was glad that the last 2 years hadn't affected her that aspect which he had always adored so much. He started to ask her opinions in matters of his office and was surprise by her potential and intelligence. He was feeling some what bad that she had to leave her job, so he asked her to continue her job from home if she wanted to. Khushi was shocked at first but then confirming from him again and again that he won't have any problem she agreed and called NK who was more than happy to hire her back.

Khushi was very happy with the progress of their relation. She was glad that Arnav had started opening up to her like he use to do in college days. She adore his gesture when he would bring her favorite snacks for her, in return she would make his favorite things in lunch and dinner. She had gone with Anjali and bought many Sarees, some simple to wear at home and some designer's ones for occasions. She would scold him if he threw his clothes and things here and there in the room and would want to pull his cheeks when he would make a boyish face and pick up his things but she would control.

There had been few hugs and pecks too. Like when doctor declare her fully healed, she hugged Arnav. When he brings ice-cream for her ... she come to room and give him quick hug before going out. Arnav pecks her cheek when Khushi make his favorite dish in dinner. Khushi would always kiss his cheeks if he sleeps before her and Arnav would do the same.


"Arnav where was you concentration haan ... you should be careful while using tools", said Khushi angrily and worried as she take his hand and try to wipe the blood off the wound.

Now what he should tell her that where was his concentration ... on her obviously. Khushi was wearing yellow and cream color simple sari and was hanging Muskaan's clothes on the wire at the pool side. She always wash Muskaan clothes by herself and had put up one wire to hang only her clothes there, in the poolside. Arnav was busy attending his plants when Khushi came there and started to hang Muskaan's clothes. By doing so she had stretched her arms upward and her midriff was visible from side. Arnav eyes got glued to her bare waist and then roam upwards to her curves, and he didn't see where he was digging the tool in soil and it prick his hand making a long gash on his palm. He hissed loudly and dropped the tool. Khushi came to him immediately and made him sit on the chair and run inside to fetch the first aid box.

Now she was sitting on her knees in-front of him cleaning his wound, there was a frown on her face and she would flinch when he would hiss due to the sting of antiseptic. And then he noticed the sheen of water in her eyes when she started to bandage his hand.

"Khushi relax its just a wound ... you're getting worried as if my hand had cut off", said Arnav in a joking way but got surprise when Khushi instantly put her hand on his lips.

"Arnav", Khushi said his name with slight hurt, "Please never say that ... God forbid ... nothing will happen to you".

Arnav take her hand off, "Khushi ... I am sorry ... I was just joking", said Arnav and saw Khushi looking down and hurriedly finish his bandage and went into the room. Arnav followed her, he could see that she didn't like it what he had said.

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