IWYAA Part 3 - A

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A/N: Characters' thoughts in ITALIC ... (Its Proof-read Now)

Khushi wiped her tears as she folded Lavanya's letter. Those were the beautiful memories, except for the last one. Her friendship with Arnav was the best thing happened to her. It was not easy for her to become his friend. He was very reserved and very practical in almost everything, where as she was chirpy and enjoy every little thing in her life. But still there was something between them, which connected them and still being very different from each other they had become best friends.

But Arnav was not only her best friend, he was her first love too ... her first and only love.

She still remembers those moments of her DHAK DHAK, which surface due to close proximity of Arnav. She was reluctant to express her feelings openly, the fear of rejection ... what if he doesn't love her, what if he like someone else? She cannot jeopardize her friendship with him, it was too important for her. But at the same time she was having difficulty to hide her feelings for him.

So she opted for different approach, and become his secret admirer, Muskaan. But again she got disheartened with his response to it.

According to him it was just stupid teenage thing, which only distracts you from your life goals. He did not want to get involved in such things at that point of life ... he wanted his focus on studies and to achieve big in his life. For that he was already doing part time job in his Mama's company along with his studies ... so that he could gain some experience before stepping into professional life.

So after some months she stopped sending him chits, roses etc. And thought to tell him about being Muskaan and about her love for him. But then she had to go to Mumbai and then the accident happened. As Lavanya came over, her focus shifted to her, to make her come out of her grief of losing her parents ... and Arnav helped too.

She noticed Arnav's and Lavanya's growing friendship, she was in doubt if Arnav have develop feelings for her cousin. Because many times Arnav have praised Lavanya's intelligence, beauty and practical approach towards life. Khushi too notice that Lavanya had similar likes and thinking like Arnav and painfully can't help but admit that they both look good together ... as other classmate will also compliment their Jodi whenever they took part in some competition or extracurricular activity. Lavanya was in Arnav's class as she chooses the same course program as Arnav and Khushi was in different program of Fashion designing.

Khushi indirectly asked Arnav if he likes Lavanya in other sense or not but he will only give the same answer that he like her as a friend. So wanted to know more Khushi started to send him chits, roses etc again as being Muskaan. She was ecstatic to know when Arnav share with her that he want to talk to Muskaan too ... and found a way of talking through chits ... but then again she was losing hope as Arnav would reply in his practical language making Muskaan understand that he respected her feelings but she should not do this and focus on her study and career more.

Thinking it the only way Khushi finally decided to tell Arnav that she loves her. At annual party night she searched for Arnav ... her heart was thudding and she was feeling anxious thinking what will Arnav say ... she went to the garden ... that's when she saw the scene which broke her young heart.

Arnav was kneeling in front of Lavanya holding out the rose and Lavanya had the brightest smile on her face ... she saw Lavanya taking the rose from Arnav and Arnav stood up and place a peck on Lavanya's cheek. She takes a step backward and then run away ... not knowing where her feet were taking her. Then she bump into NK and broke down in his arms ... telling him how much she loves Arnav but he doesn't love her back. After few minutes when somehow she calm down she asked NK to drop her home.

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