Chapter 2

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Richa Zamarron

Someone called my name. A boy with shining black hair which has been cut well and light brown eyes. Average height with a fit body. He looks classically handsome and decent in looks. It must be Arash! I mean I didn't notice him properly yesterday in the crowd but the way he gave that speech, this outlook suits him so well.

" Ms. Richa right? "

I should respond to him I think. Only if I can stop judging and evaluating him....

" Mmm...yes! I am Richa. Richa Zamarron. "

" Nice to meet you Richa. I am Arash Reagen. "

" Nice to meet you too. But you didn't need to introduce you to me. The whole campus knows about you. "

" Well you are partially right but it's just that, they knows about me but they don't know me. "


" It's the same thing....maybe you missed something? "

" It isn't the same. They knows my name and what I am. But they don't know how I am. And it isn't possible unless I open myself to them. For that, they needs to know me personally. "

Wow. How can our thoughts match so much? He is nice....I guess...

I just nodded in response.

" So Richa, I think Ryker told you about the reason I wanted to meet you. "

" Yes. He did..."

" That's great then. I am hoping to see you as the leader of the club?! "

" Mmm... look Arash... I am really happy and grateful that you have chosen me for the leadership. It's a wonderful opportunity for me. But I don't how you gonna react but I think I need to learn more about arts before being the leader. After all, leadership is a big responsibility and I don't think I am self prepared for this. I hope you understand, but I can't do this. "

" I do understand and I won't react negatively because I kind of knew that you will say something like this. You are right that leadership is a big deal and one needs self preparation and skills for it but tell me one thing, if you don't take the first step, how are you gonna get experience? If you do it, you will learn! Being a leader, you will face a lot of problems and you will feel like giving up but at the end you will teach yourself many things by dealing with the circumstances by your own. We all progress in life like that. And as you said it's a wonderful don't seem to be among the people who would be scared of the outcome and miss such a wonderful opportunity. "

How can a person be so positive about everything? About life?

" Wow. "

" Umm...sorry...did you say something? I couldn't hear properly. "

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