Chapter 2 The tall figure

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I rushed on my way sence the school was miles away from my home. I rode down a long street, all lit with streetlights. Looking starting to count every line on the street as I look in frount of me seeing a tall poll like figure.
"What the..." I said curiously, squinting my eyes staring into the distance. Feeling as if it's not going away I hear a ringing in my ears, a static is if it was inside my head. I keep riding, closer... and closer... My eyes was fading to a grey as I seen its face. It was White. I'm not insane! I swear its face was pale as a whiteboard but what scared me was it didnt have facial features. I swore I heard a scream coming from it. The creature was wearing a long suit. I swore I was insane at that moment.
It reached out to me with a inhumane like scream.

I felt as if it was drawing me in. My panic was building up as my arms where shaking wildly.

A light came from behind me as I screamed was a horn. A truck was behind me! I took a hard right as I swooped off the road, as the truck drove away into the distance.

"Tch... now I really feel crazy."
I stood up grabbing my bookbag, as well as my bike.

I rode home as fast as I can. I started to finish up my homework, I started in home room.

I was filled with adrenaline, my hands where shaking as I put them into a fist then running my hands though my blonde hair.

I grabbed a hand held mirror looking at my hair seeing my forehead was bleeding.
"I-It must have been from the crash." I said while mentally slipping it under the rug washing the blood off.
Looking into the mirror seeing the tall faceless man behind me as I panicked grabbing a razor and spinning around as quickly as possible as it my life depended on it.
But it wasn't there. My eyes where widened as red crimson streamed from my head.
I was breathing heavily as I bang my head a bit.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." I growled at myself I said as a wiped the mud from my face.

I then got up shockingly grabbing a few bandaids and alcohol wipes to disinfect the wound.

I quickly washed my face thoroughly wiping it off with a towel putting some of the alchohol on a small cotton ball, looking at my reflection pressing the cotton ball on my wound as a snarled at the sting.

I then unfocused my self on my face now looking at the door. I turned behind me as quick as possible seeing the man.

His suit was black along with a blood red tie, His face bright white. I looked into its face hearing static building up in my ears dropping on my hands and knees screaming. Covering my ears tightly begging for this to end as my father slams on the door.

"Shut up! Its 1 in the fucking morning!" He screamed, in anger.

I looked up seeing that the man was gone and seeing that tears where streaming down my face. The tears. They where black! As if someone put eyeliner in the white of my eyes. My irises where a yellow as I touched my hair as I felt a hard rock like figure in my head. It was comming though my scull. It was about a inch, but I knew it would keep growing overtime. I quickly covered it with my golden hair, my adrenaline building up as I dropped to the ground crying.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I muttered softly.
As a few minutes pass I get up walking to my tent. My dad never wanted me in the house anyway. So I went into a tent outside. It was decent. I had a writing desk, a hammock and a thick blanket to help me with the cold. I grabbed my blanket. I closed my eyes awaiting another day.

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