New Home, New Heart, New life

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"That wasn't your father..." He said as my eyes widened and went stiff.
I didn't know what to think at this moment, I looked down realizing how much it made since now. I stared at the floor my mother's image in my head. The image of her lifeless body now haunting my heart and mind. I stood in shock looking at Eyeless Jack.

We are monsters...

I looked up at the toymaker. My eyes was black, as if you where looking into a empty void.

"Tell me this.. Who is my real father, so I can curse him for leaving my mother to this evil man.."

I felt as if there was no more light in this world of balance. There is no more good, the path I chosen is permanent... But I'm not giving up my life without a fight. The tension becoming thicker the longer I stood. Hate for my father and step father building up inside of me letting it consume over me. As I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I grabbed it my nails digging into their skin and turned around. It was Eyeless Jack. I let go as I turned away.

"We'll get him Ring.." He muttered out, as I kept my eyes on the floor pondering on what I should have done.

"I know..." I said my voice sounding almost demonic and twisted. The anger I felt as if it was burning a hole in my soul. Dread filling my lungs as I choked on my rage.

I looked away hearing the distant voice calling for me. My eyes a now yellowish glow I found it hard to look at myself in the mirror.

Ever since the insident Jack and I have been content with eachother. Every now and again Jack has been seeing things. He has brought up this cult that had to do with him and turning into the thing he is now. With me it's a completely different story. I held my head as I begain to drift off looking into the static filled television hearing the soft noice of it filling my head as I fell into a deep sleep.


"My boy... You're not where I left you."

"Where are you. My son"

I said waking up with a sudden jolt. Sweat dripping off my forehead. Jack was next to me as he woke up as well. His face facing to me. Nudging me a bit on my hip.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit shook."

"Yea, I'm alright. Just a night terror."

I spoke my eyes glancing around the room. Slenderman was asleep in his chair. The figure seemed to be just watching TV. His faceless expression almost seemed amused of what was going on withing the static. Gaining information possibly. I looked at the TV once more, then the faceless man looked at me.


He spoke. I jumped a bit since he never really focused on me.

"Yes, sir?"

"I want you to meet me tomarrow in the woods. You know where my first page is. We need to discuss something quite important."

"Very well."

He then stood up taking out a book before making a few notes. I never seen that book before, but it seemed so familiar. I admit I got a bit tempted to peer over his shoulder but I'd know how good that would do. Probably a couple days in solitary confinement, chained to the wall.

As soon as he finished writing what he had in the notebook, the lengthy figure stood up before walking up the stairs. I could barely hear his footsteps. I looked at the time. 2:47 pm. The household has been taught to wonder durring the night, it'd be easier not to get caught that way since Jeff likes to show off.

I then rested my head back into the couch falling into a deep sleep.

~•《Authors note》• ~
Hello everyone! Sorry I've been inactive lately. It's been a while, recently I've been deciding if I should continue this or discontinue this, I've decided that I've found some inspiration and I should continue. In that statement.

♡ ~Thank you~ ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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