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Irvina breathed a harsh puff of air as she stepped over the threshold

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Irvina breathed a harsh puff of air as she stepped over the threshold. She ignored the King of Kattegat and advanced before his wife. A fake sweet smile reached her lips as she looked at the Queen's stomach. Irvina respected the woman, but pregnancy was not something she understood. Unlike so many women in her Kingdom, she did not see herself as a mother. Giving a brief look towards Bjorn, she demanded, "Has any of your allies come?"

Since she has stepped into the room, it had gotten silent, and now she could hear her heartbeat. It has been six days since they had arrived and two days since she visited the bearded man. Bjorn shook his head. Irvina barely let it show, but she was troubled by this announcement. Forcing another smile, she nodded her head. If they didn't arrive in a month, she was ready to march herself. Her body shook in excitement with the confirmation of upcoming revenge. Smiling at both of the leaders, she calmly walked to another person.

"Ronja, you do not look well." In fact, the woman looked as if she was ready to puke. A small smirk overtook her lips. "Ahh, the news of the upcoming pregnancy?!" Ronja sent a sharp look her way, and she grinned.

"How do you know?" Irvina patted her shoulder. Raising a brow, she let the raven-haired woman figure it herself. "Sigrún." A sigh left Ronja's lips as she frowned.

"Nothing goes without me knowing. At least nothing important." Ronja raised a brow but was distracted with Ivar pulling her into his arms. A small smile tugged at her lips, but an uncomfortable feeling settled in her stomach. She was jealous. Sighing and giving them both a nod, she excused herself. Walking away was probably the only escape she could make.

Once outside, her eyes searched for the one man she wanted to punch. Not her older brother but the younger one. Frode was once again sitting by himself on a bench and drinking. It seemed that her whole family lost a part of their souls with their mother. Irvina wanted to cry, seeing her brother drunk every day since morning made her feel agonizing pain.

Marching towards the tavern, she grabbed the cup from his hand. He barely protested, and he could barely lift his head. Those red-rimmed eyes stared at her, and her stomach tightened. "Stop it, Odin, you look horrible." Pushing his hair out of his face that was covered in dirt and probably vomit she cupped his face. His face covered in smudges of mud, with bear starting to form on his chin.

"When was the last time you had a bath?" She could feel the stares of people passing by, but she couldn't fault them for staring. Pushing the cup of ail of the table once he reached for it, she slapped his face. A small not so powerful slap to remind him who was standing before him. "You will go have a bath and change of clothes, and then you will come to dinner." Her voice was anything but soothing. Hard and cold as the winter that was nipping around them.

"But Ronja will be there," He slurred. She wanted to move her hands from his face and choke him. "Who cares you are the Queen's brother. Start behaving like it, or you can follow Gunnar into the mountains!" Swatting the back of his head again, she left him to wallow in his self-pity.

Pushing her hand into the barrel with cold water that stood near the tavern, she washed her hands. Pulling them out made water spray around. She smiled at the people passing by before hurrying towards the cells. Gorm stood before them guarding and making sure that no one got inside. "Do you have it?" He nodded and reached behind himself. He picked up the clothing from the ground, and Irvina gave him a small smile in thanks.

"My Queen, wouldn't it be better to just kill him? We do not need any more information!" A small frown reached her face. Killing him? That was not a part of her plan. He was her Fate, and that meant he was going to stay alive until she figured this dammed prophecy. She took the fury clothes from him and dismissed him.

"He stays alive." She opened the cells making sure to clutch the clothing tighter. Once she walked through the second door, Halfdan seemed to perk up. Of course, he did it was after all another two days.

"Are they feeding you well?" Her voice was laced with amusement as she asked him. She knew they didn't, but food had to be deserved. Everything here had to be earned, and the man before her wasn't begging yet. She crouched before him and smirked.

"How have you been? Are you freezing or hungry?" Halfdan's lips thinned, and he reached with his chained hands to push aside his hair. Even the blanket wasn't enough to keep him warm, and she knew that. With him not answering, she asked another question, "Will you answer another one of my questions?" Halfdans penetrating brown eyes, stared at her before he nodded.

"Tell me what is your brother's worst fear?" His look moved onto the wall behind her, and a faraway look reached his eyes. She folded the fur coat over her thighs and waited patiently. "Not succeeding." And understanding look fleeted through her eyes.

"Oh yes, not being the king of Norway." She reached out, her hand pushing his hair out of the way. Her soft lips formed into a smile. She knew how to fake concern and smile so sweetly that people thought they were safe. "And what is your worst fear?" He was staring at her intently since she touched his hair.

"I do not fear anything." A grin reached her lips before she laughed. Pushing the fur coat into his hands, she told him, "Everyone fears something." Halfdan reached for it. His hands dirty and bruised. His nails chopped and red marks over the place the chains held him. She almost took pity on him and unchained him. But what guaranteed her that he wouldn't take off. Her hand cupped his face, and she stroked his high cheekbones.

"I fear that I will die without finishing my vengeance. I fear you." He frowned, clearly not understanding how she meant it and a sad smile reached her lips. "Try and not to freeze, till my next visit." With that and the last stroke of her fingers, she left him.

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