CH (2)

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Not to fast forward or anything but this is the time y/n saw sabo(as a kid's)

Child Y/N'S POV

I was walking around waiting for dragon-sama to come and get me when I finally realized that I was not in town any more I was in the forest.I looked around  and there was nobody else here I tried to get out but ended up more lost. That is when I heard three voices coming right at me that's when three boys walked out of the bushes. All three boys stopped and started to stare at me. Then the ravin haired boy with freckles said oi who are you? Hi I am y/n nice to meet you. I held out my hand to shake the boy with the straw hat waiting for him to shake it but as soon as he about to shake my hand when freckle boy grabbed his hand and said don't shake her hand she's a girl and they have cooties. Then the boy with a straw hat said eww she probably a lot of them then the boy with blonde hair said she's a cottied girl. That's it I said then I used magic/haki punched the kid with the straw hat in the nose the teleported behind the kid with freckles and gave him a wedgie then teleported in front of the blonde haired boy and kicked him in the family jewels. Then he hit the ground with a grunt of pain I started to cry a bit then blonde haired boy looked up at me he was about to say something but I took off all I heard him yell WAIT! But it was to late I was gone. I ran and ran until I realized that I was in town. Then a gush of wind hit me. I started to sweat buckets I turned around to see dragon-sama standing there he asked me where was I and I just told him I got lost that's all.

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