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"Morning meat head's!" She announced as she entered the dining hall. The pep in her step was hard to miss.

"Morning Toph. Slept well did we?" Aang asked her with a small laugh.

"Nope. Sure didn't." Was kinda hard too with the love birds getting.... reacquainted, so to speak.

"Uh, I'm sorry?" He said, having no clue why she was so happy about not sleeping.

Her room was down the hall from Zuko's but it was very clear what was happening in there last night.
She smiled, happy for her friends as she started to fill her plate.
Why there was never as much food on it as she dished out and why a servant always rushed over to sweep around her, was a mystery.


He knew something was up.

Toph was not a morning person, yet she was happy about not sleeping?.

He turned to look at Sokka, noticing the knowing look on his friends face.
Suki, Iroh and Ty-lee had one too.

Zuko and Katara still hadn't showed for breakfast and neither one was known for sleeping in.
Both had gotten into the habit of rising with the sun after being on the run so long as kid's.

He got a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

So when Zuko and Katara, finally made their appearance with hands interlocked, laughing and smiling at each other like they were the only two in the world, it got worse.

He looked down at his plate.
She had left him yes but he had held out hope that she'd come back to him.

He always thought they were meant to be together, but looking back at her and seeing that stunning smile she was giving Zuko, she never looked happier, more beautiful than she did now.

Maybe he was holding on to a fantasy.

Maybe it was time for him to move on and find his happiness too.

If you love someone, you want them happy, even if it means you're not apart of the picture.

So he smiled.
If anyone deserved to be happy, it was his two teachers.


He had been worried about the young boys reaction to his son and master Katara and had watched the play of emotions on Aang face until they settled into a sad smile.

His boy looked so different.
Love shining in his gold eyes as he looked at the waterbender.

He hopes he has grandchildren soon..... Perhaps within the year.


After pulling themselves from Zuko's bedroom, they made their way to the dining hall, feeling almost ravenous since they had missed dinner.

As well as other reasons.

She felt her face heat remembering what they did last night.

Zuko saw this and laughed.

"What's wrong Katara? You look a little flushed." He teased.

Giving him a shove, she stuck her tongue out at him.

This only made him laugh harder, and she joined him.
She couldn't help it, rare as it was, it was contagious.

She was still nervous about telling their friends, mainly Aang, but she felt better knowing he'd be by her side.

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