He lunged at her and socked his gauntlet forearm into her stomach. Sakura recoiled and hissed in pain, grasping her abdomen, and tried to dash away as she heard chains rattling behind her. It shot out before she could react and nicked her across the...
This is not your traditional fan-fiction, filled with love, steamy scenes (lemons) and whatnot. So don't even try asking me for them. Wait a minute, this isn't even a fanfiction, it's a spin-off! Urgh, what am I even talking about?
This is an almost completely different universe, you might say. Many of the characters have changed to add some decent character development, but still retain most of their original personalities.
I've actually got a lil' challenge for you readers... throughout the story, see if you can figure out from where I have referred a few of my "additions/references" and comment! Some will be quite easy, and others a bit more difficult. Oh, and as for those shameless references, this should go without saying, but I DO NOT claim to own them. Each of the ideas belong to their creators.
Also, I'm really excited to be writing my first book! I hope you guys enjoy it. :D
Now enjoy some memes.
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