Dylan - Sixteen

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Cole let me slide down the wall back to my feet but didn't let go of me. Shock isn't even a strong enough word to describe what just happened. He ran into the house on a mission, and the second his lips hit mine calmness caressed my entire body.

"We should go to the party." I stated unable to control the smile on my face.

"Uhm." Cole looked down at his pants, and scratched his head. I let out an obnoxious laugh. "Gonna have to give me a few minutes. Definitely not going to be able to ride with this thing." I covered my mouth trying not to laugh any harder.

"I...I'm speechless."

"Good, glad I could make you speechless."

"I meant because of." I pointed down to the super obvious bulge in his pants.

"Oh, I know what you meant!" I started laughing again. "This...this Dylan is what you do to me, own it." He threw his hands in the air. I was still laughing but walked back over to him and hugged around his waist. "That is not going to help deflate the situation woman." I continued to giggle.

"Deflate. Wanna go take a shower?" His eyes went wide. "I MEANT JUST YOU!" I laughed harder, tears coming down my face from laughing so hard. He took both his hands to his forehead and rubbed a few times hard. "You need a haircut."

"I know!" He playfully yelled. "I also need to think about Abe Lincoln in a damn towel, or fucking...no not fucking, shit." I couldn't stop laughing. Although I felt totally empowered that I made him like this just by a kiss, an amazingly awesome kiss I might add. That I started to lose balance and had to wrap my arms around his neck amazing kiss. Talented and oh shit, I just kissed my best friend.

"Want me to put on the stupid cowboy movie again?"

"No!" He took a few deep breaths through his nose. "Just give me a few minutes. It's been like, shit, 8 months, 9 months, maybe more, fuck." My eyes went wide.

"What? You haven't had sex in that long!?" I was honestly shocked, by now I was sure he had a few one nighters.

"Thank you now the whole world knows I'm practically a virgin." He laughed and I couldn't help it I was laughing too.

"Colson." I kept laughing. He was standing there shaking his head back and forth.

"Hold on, trying to get you out of my head for a second."


"Shower, naked, shit. Not helping." I laughed harder.

"Think grandmas, naked. Baseball mascots! National Anthem is a thing, right? Singing it or something?" He was just looking at me with a smile covering his face.

"You done?"

"I don't know, are you?" I shot back.

"I wasn't even in!"

"Cole!" We're both in a full-on fit of laughter at this point.

"Alright, I'm good enough." He finally said.

"Good, because we're going to be late! Gosh some guys!" I popped up on my toes and brushed my lips against his. When I backed away with a smile, he pursed his lips and let out a sigh.

"Get outside. Please. Before we have a situation again." I intentionally sashayed my way out through the garage, after grabbing my phone from the floor, yes intentionally popping my ass in the process. It took him a second but he ended up right behind me with his hands on my hips. I shut the garage door and we both geared up, I hopped on the back and we took off down the road. He tapped our intercom. "Please, always talk to me."

Needing You (You Series, Book 1, Finding Happiness Spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now