Dylan - Four

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My stomach tightened and flipped every time I saw him. I hated it, but loved it at the same time. When he turned and smiled the second he saw me? It totally didn't help what was going on in my belly.

"Thank you! Daddy did my hair! Isn't he the best!" I looked over at Cole and he just shrugged his shoulders with a shy smile. Of course he knows how to braid his baby girls hair, why wouldn't he.

"It looks amazing! Your Daddy is the best. Guess what I have for you." I knelt down on the ground in front of her. "Sparkles." Her eyes went super wide and her smile was huge. This little girl was beautiful, everything about her screamed Weaver, minus her ash blonde hair, that color women these days paid a lot of money for. Nobody knew where it came from either, because Tia was like barbie fake blonde, naturally a light brown supposedly.

"Can I have some on me please?" She looked up at Cole then back to me.

"Psh, of course." I answered before Cole could say anything, I knew he wouldn't fight me on a little makeup for Halloween.

"Will you wear some with me?" She asked her eyes looking like a puppy dog.

"Only if you put it on me and I put it on you." She smiled wide again nodding her head. "Perfect, close those pretty blues." She closed her eyes and couldn't stop smiling. I loaded her up with pretty blue sparkle eye shadow. "Perfect. Open." She blinked a few times still smiling. "Alright lips." She relaxed her lips as I put on a little bit of pink lip gloss. "Okay close, wiggle, kiss!" She giggled and I pulled up the camera on my phone so she could see herself. She took the phone and giggled again watching herself dance around. I was sure I was going to end up with a hundred Tory selfies and couldn't wait to go through them.

"Thank you." I looked over at Cole, he was smiling at me sweetly.

"I got you." I smiled answering him, and Tory came running back up to me. "My turn?" She nodded quickly as I handed her the eye shadow and closed my eyes. Carefully I felt her putting it on.

"Okay open!" I opened and blinked a few times. "Perfect!" She let out a giggle then moved on to the lip gloss. "Close, wiggle, and kiss Dylan!" I did as she said and then winked at her.

"Is it perfect?" I scrunched up my nose with a smile.

"Yup!" She handed me back my phone so I could see, and it was messy but perfectly messy. I looked up at Cole, his shoulders were bobbing as he tried to hold in a laugh.

"Say something, I dare you." I gave him a playful glare.

"You look, beautiful." He smiled but that quickly faded when we heard the wench huff, obviously hearing him.

"Can we go?" She rolled her eyes after looking me up and down. "Disaster." Scoffed and turned on her heels to start walking. I ran my tongue across my teeth, everyone widened their eyes and quieted down but started walking away. Noah came running over to me.

"I think it looks beautiful Dylan, and you are awesome for letting Tory do it." I smiled at him and ruffed his covered head.

"Thanks buddy, you're the best looking Ninja I've seen!" He nodded and ran to catch up with the group. I looked up at the sky letting out a breath. "Lord give me strength." I heard a light laugh and turned to see Cole still standing there. "Uhm, sir, the wicked witch of the West is going to kill you for being back here with me instead of up there with her." He shrugged.

"She doesn't want me up there with her. She just doesn't want me with anyone else."

"What?" I looked at him confused.

Needing You (You Series, Book 1, Finding Happiness Spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now