Cole - Seventeen

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Another week gone, except this week was amazing. I spent every night holding my beautiful girl, taking things as slow as we could. Neither of us wanted to come out of this hurt if it didn't work out. Though right now I don't see it not working out. We were together a lot before, and I just spent an entire week at her place with no issues. This weekend I can't do that though because I get my kids. As much as I want to have Dylan in my arms, I cannot wait to have my babies for the weekend. I was at the swap spot that Tia and I had agreed on and just waiting for her so I facetimed Dylan.

"Hey! Did you get them yet?"

"Na, she's late."

"She'll be there babe; she gets her rocks off by making you sweat."

"I know, doesn't help the situation though. She's cutting into my time by pulling these stunts." I shrugged.

"I know, but soon those beautiful kiddos will be in your arms." She smiled wide and laid back against her headboard.

"I miss you."

"You just saw me this morning." I let out a breath.

"I know, it was very long ago." She giggled. "I didn't get to bring the kids to the water park like they had wanted last time, do you want to come with us tomorrow?"

"To the fucking water park? What kind of a question is that Cole, hell yes!" I laughed again, and looked up my smile fading as Tia pulled up in front of my truck staring at me with a scowl.

"The wicked witch is here. I'll call you when we're back at my parents."

"Okay." She smiled a blew me a kiss, I winked before ending the call and getting out of my work truck. Yea I came straight from work, car seats already installed and everything. Tia took her damn good time letting the kids out of the van. I could see them antsy waiting for the door to unlock. I stood against the front of my truck hands in my pockets, one ankle across the other.

I saw the moment she unlocked the door and all three of my kids came running into my open arms yelling Daddy. It was the best feeling in the world.

"I missed you guys so much." I kissed each of them, as they told me they missed me too. "Get in the truck, Pop and Nan got us all pizza!" They all cheered and ran over to scramble into my truck. Tia got out of the driver side, her talons already out and ready for a fight.

"I'll be picking them up in the morning." I shook my head.

"No, you won't be."

"Uh yes I will be."

"Talked to a lawyer Tia, what you did last time was contempt. You can't take them from me during my allotted time." I shrugged crossing my arms.

"HA! Yes, I can, I'm their mother."

"Well with that thought process, I could just keep them for as long as I want because I'm their father."

"You're a fucking joke!"

"What is your problem with me?" I kept my voice as calm as possible.

"You are so sour about us splitting up and talk about it all the damn time. Like get over it Cole, once a player always a player I'm sure you'll find someone else to fuck around with."

"Never fucked around on you Tia, and I don't talk about us splitting up because I don't give a shit."

"Lies. Plus, it doesn't matter, I cheated on you throughout our entire marriage." I pursed my lips.

Needing You (You Series, Book 1, Finding Happiness Spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now