Bermuda & The Queen

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"Bitch you better back the fuck up!" You screeched

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"Bitch you better back the fuck up!" You screeched.

"Just put it in your mouth!" Jin shouted back.

"This house is a prison!"

"Look if you don't take it. I'm not allowing you to go out with Eunha" you stiffened from his threat. Jin for the past ten minutes had been trying to convince you to take a pill. So that "you could relax".

"Ok, Jin let's talk about this like rational adults" you held up your hands in defense. "Look if want to trust each we can't do things like this" you gestured to towards the pill "to each other" you finished.

"Ok your right I'm sorry," he said. Did you just hear correctly? Is Kim Seokjin apologizing?

"I'm just worried about you. Just showing the wrong reaction at some of these places can get you killed. Plus I know you haven't slept well and with the whole incident in the White Koi," Jin said starting to unload some of the toxic thoughts that had begun to eat away at him. "I don't want to repeat the same mistakes my father made. I want you to live perfectly protected with me by your side."

"I just feel bad that you've only been here for a couple of months. You don't feel safe here and I don't blame you." You missed this Jin, and you wanted him to stay. Hopefully, he would stay.

N̵̯̭͇͖͓̘̭͝ŏ̶̼̼̪̝̠͙̠͕͛̐̏̅̈́̎̕͝͠ͅw̸̰̰̬͙͂̑̽͛̂̆̓́͘͘ ̸͚͕̥̲͕̰͇̪̻͆̍̂́̊̽̐͊̄͜͠w̷̙̼̜̉̇́̌̀̓e̵̖̣̳͆ͅ ̴̦̭̼̫̰͈̳̲̼͐̔̌͗͑͋̇̕ḩ̶̯̜̞̏ͅͅả̵͔̎v̵̧̟̻͇̖̎̈̽̽̂̀͌̆͝ĕ̵͈̬͒́̄̾́̊ ̷̡̺̜͉̠̫̺̝̃̄ͅỵ̵̥̖̭̗͚̅ơ̷̗͖͕̻͛̌̍̓u̸̳̿̓̃́̊̈́̆̎̊͝ͅr̶̪̲̖͔͎̭̩̹̥̂͌͆̄̋̈́͐͊̄̉ ̸̧̛̛̣̺̰̝̮̿̾̃́͊͐̈́͜ͅḩ̵̣̠̮̲͖̩͖͆̌͂̀̓́͝͠͝ĕ̴̫̀͋̈͝a̴̘̗͐r̸̜̜̂t̴̞̫̺͇̝̦̘͙̝́̓͛̈́̿͗̃̐ͅ ̸̧̞͚̥͌͛̈́̉͌â̷̡̬̙̝̠n̴̞̮͎̩̅̉̎̈́͊̒͛̐̚g̶͖͋e̶̡̯̻̼̿̋l̴̜͉̣͕̝͚̦̼͋́͑͘

I'm not falling in love with a psychopath.

"I'm sorry. I'll do better to respect your wishes" he said leaving the pill on the bedside. "Come on let's go see Eunha," Jin said grabbing his coat.

"Really? That's it?" You questioned looking at him in disbelief.

"Yup, let's go I'll buy you whatever you want on the way there" Jin promised smiling at you.

"Ok, I want a puppy." You demanded testing to see if he was honest to his word.

"You can have Taehyung's dog if you want. He's not using it" Jin stated.

"Tae has a dog! He never told me!" You gasped.


How many company buildings do these mother fuckers have.

You entered a crisp and clean lobby. You hadn't seen Eunha in almost a whole month. She was apparently busy with work. You were surprised to see her short hair now close to elbow length. She no longer had any bangs. You didn't fail to notice the bandage that wrapped around her kneecap and the small bandaids displayed on her fingers. Her baby blue blouse tucked into a white skirt gave her a whole new feminine look, that complimented her whole figure.

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