✾The Weekend Whip Pt.1 ✾

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Hey peeps! So I started school on Monday (in my time, and I'm not sure if it's still Monday for you guys, depends on when I get this chapter out), and due to hybrid classes and things not going well so far, chapters might be out a little later. I am hopping to still be able to publish a chapter at least once a day, while also working on other stories on Quotev and transfer them over here to Wattpad. Hope you all enjoy this chapter, and have a lovely day.

    "So let me get this straight. You four went after Lloyd, but ended up completely failing, saw my dad in one of the cages (thank goodness he's alive), and you fought the Samurai? And then Sensei Wu just up and left without telling you guys even a clue on where he was gong, and apparently Zane is some kind of robot?" (Y/n) asked, not believing what was going on.
"Nindroid." Jay and Zane said.
"Nindriod." (Y/n) corrected herself. "Then Jay scratched himself with a Fangpire's fang from it's corpse, Nya and him went on a date, Jay basically became a Serpentine, you guys finally found out who the Samurai was, and Jay unlocked his full potential? Is that what I'm getting? Why do you guys get all the fun?"
    "Cause we're awesome!" Jay boasted.
    "But get a load of this, we now know Nya is the Samurai! Which means, I'm the Green Ninja!" Kai cheered, dancing around a little in celebration.
    "Actually, I would technically be the Green Ninja, since I had found out Nya was the Samurai the day you four were going after the snakes." (Y/n) smirked.
    "Oh come on!" Kai whined.
    "Anyways, what were the snakes looking for again? Fangblades?" (Y/n) asked, trying to remember if she had heard of a Fangblade from the scrolls that used to be in her Temple. She has read every single one of them at least once, some stuck to her, others hadn't.
    "That's what they were looking for at Mega Monster Amusement Park." Cole crossed his arms, and simply shrugged. "There's three others we need somewhere out there, and we haven't had a glance at the map or figured out how to make our own."
    "Oh great, how are we going to find them now?" Jay asked, obviously annoyed with their current situation.
    "We can come back to this later, right now, we should all just clear our heads form any sort of frustration. It'll be easier for us to focus and think." Zane said, gesturing for his brothers to join him for training. Some training always helps clear the mind of all distress.

    Looking at a 3D replica of the Fang Blade, the ninja were all thinking, along with (Y/n), who was still trying to remember what she had read about the Four Silver Fangblades. The name was so familiar, but where the hell had she heard that.
    "They got the first one, but there are three more, and we just need one to stop Pythor." Nya said, looking at the Fangblade. "They have a map and we don't, so the question remains, how are we gonna find them first?"
    "I still can't get over the fact that you were the Mysterious Samurai." Jay said, smiling nervously. "Is anyone else blown away like I am?"
    "We're over that. Can we move on?" Kai asked, annoyed. He was not in the best mood knowing Lloyd was taken and the first Fangblade had fallen into Pythor's scaly hands.
    "Someone's a little hot under the collar." Jay teased his red wearing ninja gi friend.
    "It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his full potential, like you and I have, Jay." Zane said, teasing Kai in his own little serious way.
    "Great observation, Mr. Roboto, but Cole hasn't found it either." Kai pointed out, trying to change the spot light onto Cole.
    "I got it!" Cole cheered.
    "You unlocked it?!" Kai asked in shock. "Oh! Why am I the only one?!"
    "No, I figured out where I recognized the Fabgblade from." Cole ran out of the main deck. "I have a picture of it."
    "Oh, ha, ha, is that it? Heh." Kai said, relived he was still not the only ninja who hasn't unlocked their full potential. "Good."
    "I got it!" Cole came back with an album, and opened the first page, to show a trophy.
    Jay took the book, and took a look at it. "That's it!"
    "Back where I gre up, there's this big competition where every year the winner gets The Blade Cup.My dad won it multiple times."
    "You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete." Zane said, looking from the picture to his brother. "What sport?"
    "Oh. He's a, uh-a blacksmith." Cole said nervously.
    "Nothing wrong with that. My father was a blacksmith too." Kai said, reassuring his friend.
    "And my uncle is a blacksmith as well." (Y/n) smiled, remembering her father's brother, who would make her custom weapons whenever he visited the Temple. Of course, her father would complain about it, saying she was too young for a weapon. She got her first weapon when she was 7.
    "But I've never heard of a competition-" Kai started to think about to remember if there was any competition for a blacksmith.
    "He's not a 'blacksmith' blacksmith." Cole walked over to the album, and turned the page to show his father. "l Blacksmith."
    The boys tried not to laugh.
    "That's your dad?" Jay asked, entertained.
    "But how did the Fangblade become a trophy?" Kai asked.
    "Well, supposedly, the Blade Cup was made by this guy who collected priceless artifacts.His name was something like, uh, Dutch..." Cole thought, trying to remember the name.
    "Clutch?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow.
    "Clutch! Clutch Powers!" Cole smiled.
    (Y/n) face palmed. It wasn't like she jus said the name.
    "Anyway, it gets passed on to each year's winner." Cole said.
    "Who has it now?" Zane asked.
    "I don't know, haven't talked to my father in years." Cole said, a look of sadness was on his face.
    "Well, then we'll call him up." Kai suggested.
    "You can't!" Cole interjected. "He thinks I'm in Ninjago City training at the Marty Openheimer School of Performing Arts." He went to the steering wheel, and just rested his forehead against the wooden wheel, groaning.
    "The Marty Openheimer School of Performing Arts?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow and tilted her head to the right. "There is a place with such a funny sounding name? And what is, Performing Arts?"
    "It appears so." Zane shrugged his shoulders. "Performing arts usually means either showing a play, a musical, or something along the lines of what Cole's father does."
    "Oh, ok." (Y/n) understood now.
    "He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but when I couldn't sing or dance, I..." He turned around to face the others. "I ran away. When he sees I can't dance, he'll know I've been lying in the letters I've been sending him."
    "He doesn't know you're a ninja?" Zane asked.
    "Lying is never the right choice Cole, no matter how bad a situation is. Lying, only causes more lying." (Y/n) said.
    "I feel like we have another Sensei Wu..." Jay mumbled to Kai, who nodded in agreement.
    "What, you gonna crack some joke that my old man wear's a tutu?" Cole asked.
    "No, but if we're gonna have any chance at getting that Fangblade before they do, we better get our own act in tune." Kai said, putting a hand on his friends shoulder in reassurance.
    "I have such a bad feeling about this...." (Y/n) mumbled to Nya.

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