✾The Weekend Whip Pt.2 ✾

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"Ok, from the top! Five, six, seven, eight." Cole's father started playing the piano to help get the boys in the tempo.
"Bop till you drop."
"Shake it till you break it."
"Move it till you lose it."
"Spin it till you win it."
"Stop! Stop! Ugh!" Coles father said. He looked at (Y/n). "Please tell me you are not their choreographer."
(Y/n) shook her head, who was sitting down in a chair with some more tea in her teacup, watching her friends not do so well. "I'm just the manager of our group."
Coles father just nodded, and looked back at the four. "If my ears weren't attached to my head, they'd be running away! Kai, love the energy, hate the hair. Jay, you're giving al lot, but I need more. Zane, you're like a machine, don't change anything."
(Y/n) internally laughed at that. If only he knew.
"And Cole, try and act like you wanna be here." Lou said to his own son.
"Now I see where he gets his sarcasm from." (Y/n) mumbled quietly, and went back to drinking her tea.
"He's worse than Sensei Wu." Jay said quietly to Kai, not enjoying his time right now
    "Ok, moving forward." Cole's dad stood in front of the ninja. "Let's take a look at the big show-stopping climax. Cole, we can't repeat history itself."
    "Dad, it was the Triple Tiger Sashay. I was 7." Cole complained.
    "What's the Triple Tiger Sasha?" Kai asked, a little nervous.
    "Only the most difficult dance move ever created." Cole said dismissively.
    "It't true. Many professionals have dare tried, but it's never been successfully completed." Coles father backed up what his son was saying.
    "Hence, my father thought a 7 year old could, but I ended up falling on my face, humiliating myself, and letting my quartet down." Cole emphasized a lot of those words, while taking glanced at his dad.
    "If you're going to win, you have to go big! Alright, time for a break. Take five." Coles dad left the room.
    "Uh...I'm stating to see why Cole is so closed off." Jay said, about to tease him. "It's cause twinkletoes here couldn't deliver the goods. Is that why you ran away?"
    "Oh, I could deliver the goods." Cole said defensively. "Look, I'll deal with my father, but let's stick with the plan. All we have to do is keep this charade up until we can get our hands on the trophy."
    "I don't know, I'm starting to think we can win this thing." Jay said.
    "I doubt that." (Y/n) mumbled. "You guys are a very good team, but not a very good quartet."
    "Thanks for the faith." Kai said sarcastically.
    "She is correct. if we were to follow our current choreography and singing, there is a very low chance of us winning." Zane backed her up.
    "See? The Ninjdroid is on my side for this." (Y/n) said.
    Cole just glared at Jay.
    "Okay, okay, we'll stick to the plan." Jay just crossed his arms.

    Dancing slowly, (Y/n) was dancing to an old dance she would perform at the Temple. It was a rare moment for (Y/n) to see people up close. During the summer solstice, she would wear bright colors, with her dance being passionate and fiery. She would have a fan in hand that would match her outfit, and she danced nice and powerful but yet beautiful. During the winter solstice, it would be slow and gentle. Her outfit would have darker colors, along her fan being different.
"What are you practicing?" Zane had asked, walking over to (Y/n).
"Oh. I was just practicing one of the dances I usually perform during the winter at the Temple. I haven't had the chance to practice this year, so I thought I should." (Y/n) smiled softly. "This one is one I usually perform during the winter when the moon is full and at it's peak."
"Really? You dance very beautifully." Zane complimented. "Do you think it is possible for me to learn your dance?"
"I think so." (Y/n) smiled, and started teaching Zane the winter version of the dance. Zane had picked up the dance quickly, and he had to admit, he liked this. It was calm, peaceful, and slow, kinda like him.
    "Whatcha two doing?" Kai asked, coming into the room with the other two ninja not far behind.
    "I was just teaching Zane the Winter Solstice dance I perform at the Temple. Would you boys like to learn it?" (Y/n) asked.
"Heck yeah!" The other three said, and all stood in a line behind (Y/n).
Coles father opened the door a little, and peaked inside. He watched as the boys had followed (Y/n)'s movements (because Wattpad is being weird with Youtube and everything, I'll leave a link to both dances) perfectly. It was definitely a different style of dance, but he had to admit, it looked calming.

OLD VERSION ✾Balance✾ (Lloyd Garmadon x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now