✾Ninjaball Run✾

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Lloyd was currently doing a one handed hand stand, holding up all the Ninja and Sensei Wu at the very top. Zane was standing on Lloyd's feet, with Kai sitting in his right arm and Jay on his left, while cole stood on his head, and Sensei Wu sitting one Cole's shoulders. As for (Y/n), she was at the poles with her bamboo staff, balancing on one foot, while her Bizaro selfs staff was currently one her back.
"Focus." Sensei Wu said, pouring himself a cup of tea. "In order to bear the fate of Ninjago on your shoulders...you must first learn to bear the weight of all of us."
"Uh, Sensei, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea." Jay said, looking up at his teacher.
"Yeah, Sensei, he's just a kid." Cole tried to help Jay with the reasonings of not continuing this.
"In order for him to succeed, we must all trust one another." Wu said, not budging even a bit.
(Y/n) had decided to only balance on her bad ankle, while watching over the Ninja. Leaning a little to her right, (Y/n) saw a wrecking ball. "Um...guys?"
"Yeah?" Kai asked, looking over at (Y/n).
"Wrecking ball." She said.
"Wrecking wha-?" Zane was caught off guard, as a wrecking ball suddenly smashed the wall down, throwing the Ninja and Sensei Wu down onto the floor.
"Wrecking ball." (Y/n) said, completely unfazed at the vibrations of the ball hitting the wall. She hopped down onto the floor, and took her staff off the pole, helping her friends up.
Two contractors took a look from the big hole in the wall, confused.
"Whoa, whoa!" Darreth came running out from behind his bead curtains. "This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!"
"Tomorrow? Let me see that order." The contractor said to his assistant, who handed him some papers. "Oh, yeah, my bad. Sorry 'out that, we'll be back in the morning."
They walked away.
"Excuse me, but that was their fault, shouldn't they at least try and block the hole so no one just suddenly rushes in?" (Y/n) asked, a little unsure if this was how city folk behaved.
"Unfortunately, those kinds of people don't exactly care about that kind of stuff, as long as they are making money." Jay said, giving a nervous smile.
"That is such a different attitude than the villages at the Village of Balance. They always help each other." (Y/n) said, remembering farmers helping merchants with directions and building fences.
"You village people are so different." Kai sighed. "Kinda wish Ninjago City was like that."
"Uh, Darreth, what is this all about?" Cole asked.
"Well, I fell behind some of my payments, and some developer named Darnagom Enterprise is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee golf course." Darreth explained, holding one of his bent trophies. "They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone."
"We already lost the Bounty. We can't lose the dojo now!" Jay said.
    "My trophies. All my fake trophies." Darreth cried, holding his broken trophy.
    "Wait a minute. Darnagom. When you rearrange the letters, it spells...." Zane pointed out at the sign.
    "O Grandma?" Jay asked.
    (Y/n) face palmed.
    "No! Garmadon!" Kai said, catching what Zane was pointing out.
    "Right, that would make more sense." Jay laughed nervously.
    "You owe me 5 coins (I don't fully know their currency)." (Y/n) giggled, elbowing Cole in the arm.
    "Yeah yeah." Cole handed her the prize of the bet.
    "My dad is behind this?" Lloyd asked, knowing the answer, and not liking it.
    "If he destroys the dojo, where will we train Lloyd?" Cole asked.
    Everyone looked at (Y/n).
    "Oh no, not the Temple. It's not even ready." (Y/n) held up a letter form her father, who said they had just got the walls up. "They haven't even gotten the inside done yet, neither is the training area outside and inside. The only place would be at the waterfall, but that is non-violent grounds. The village doesn't have enough room for him to practice, and we don't have the same technology at these city folk have."
    "Any chance you got 50,000 in that tea pot of yours, or in your Temple's vault?" Darreth asked, kinda desperate right now.
    "We don't have a vault. The temple only has the ashes of the treasures that stood at the main entrance and inside the sitting area of the Temple, and all our scrolls are all burned down." (Y/n) shook her head, feeling bad.
    "Worry not, Darreth." Sensei Wu said. "You are not in this alone. We're all with you."
    "Did someone say 50,ooo?" Nya asked, standing at the entrance of the dojo's training room.
    "You didn't happen to win the lottery?" Jay asked desperately.
    "No, but I heard about Ninjaball Run." Nya walked over to them, bringing in some good news.
    "Ninjaball Run?" Everyone but (Y/n) had asked.
    "The biggest road race in Ninjago, with a prize of 100,000 big ones." (Y/n) explained, remembering hearing her Uncle from her fathers side talk about it before whenever he had visited Ninjago City. He never participated, but he always enjoyed watching.
    "And it's tomorrow!" Nya said happily.
    "Thank you, little lady fighter, but you're talking about the most dangerous race known to man." Darreth whipped some tears out of his eyes, before his head had hung low. "Only the most serious of racers even stand a chance."
    "No wonder my uncle never participated." (Y/n) mumbled quietly.
    "But didn't you do upgrades to our Ultra Sonic Radar?" Kai asked his sister. "Maybe we might stand a chance."
    "And I can enter with my Dragon." Lloyd smiled. "You did say I needed the practice."
    "I'll go with him, just in case something bad happens." (Y/n) smiled softly. "Besides, I like riding on the back of the dragon. It's so much fun."
    "So it is agreed." Sensei Wu looked at his students and the others. "You will all enter this Ninjaball Run to save the dojo."
    Darreth was sobbin in happiness.
    "Are you still crying?" Nya asked, walking over to Darreth.
    "Yes..." He wasn't even going to deny crying at this point. "But these are happy tears.

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