Chapter 16: Who Shall Govern?/ Finding A First Job!

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Episode 29: Who Shall Govern?

The Time Is about Mid June since we last met with Star and Friends they have been up to many things. Star and all her friends have had many fun memories and also some more darker moments too and they have felt at peace with what is going on. Skywynne, Star, and Marco have continued to do their training remastering and Mastering new spells that they had never thought they could and Marco was becoming More Confident with each passing day of his training but today's journeys could make the difference of how the Butterfly Family exists within the new world. While the adventures that were taking place the groups had continued to meet together to discuss the Plans For Earthni since they knew a decision needed to come whether Echo Creek would be a democracy following the same as The United States or would they take up the Monarchy of the Butterfly Dynasty becoming Subject to a queen of Earthni since they knew either path would have one group having to change their ways and it could end badly and the government would collapse. The Meeting that had been scheduled to make this decision was just one day away and this is how the next two days played out. 

Star I think we should go to bed before it gets any later than it already is. We have a bright and early start tomorrow. I know but something just doesn't feel right thinking what would this people say since we will get our opinion first and once that is done the decision we make will be taken to vote and it may well be the last vote since what happens if everyone decides the Monarchy is the better choice for this land. Well Star we won't know until the morning and if you keep worrying you will end up hurting yourself. Yeah you are right but the thought of what the MHC did in my nightmare when they destroyed our family they became the new rulers and said either join us or die and they had decided that they would bow down to them. I just don't know if I would support my Family taking up the reins and one day becoming queen myself. Well you know that maybe there's a way for both sides to take up the mantle. I heard in a book I read that England is ruled by a monarchy with a democracy supporting it. The queen and royal family is who represents the kingdom and the decision politic making is done by the government and Mayor and the elected officials. I see and it would make it fair where the people would have the chance to have their voices heard and the Kingdom would be there to look up to and know what is right. 

Well Star I know you think that will work but I have a feeling that more than likely the way the things will go is One Democracy will take hold for good and we won't have to ever worry about it again and we will be free to do what we wish. But Marco the Same time I think now that you have said what you said the first thought is your right it wouldn't work and see now that the Monarchy wouldn't work since the people are so used to choice and I support that choice it was what I fought for to have freedom to choose and be free. Well Star I think we have our answer of how we feel about tomorrow and now the only thing left to do is see how it plays out. Star and Marco head off to bed and they both with the rest of the family have a nice peaceful night and the next day comes. Good Morning Star Butterfly what are you doing? I am devising a way for us to portray our feelings about Democracy and doing away with the Monarchy for good. Well I think you are forgetting one key part about our government on Earth voting on decisions. Well we already came to one that we would support democracy and nothing is going to change my feelings. Well Star I agree and now let's go get some breakfast before we are due over at the Monster Temple. 

Star had made an agreement that she would alternate staying with the Diaz and her family. Star Would spend the First and Third Week excluding weekends with the Diaz's and the second and fourth weeks with her family and weekends since on the weekends Marco would come and stay with the Butterflies since both families had different lessons they could teach each child. Star would learn how to live life like a human and adapt into the normal life she had now teaching Marco with Skywynne how to use magic and tap into his feelings to bring out his spells he wished to cast. He had at that point learned how to cast Levatato and cupcake blast. While he was at it they taught him how to feel from his mind what to create since he had created two spells of his own before when in the realm fighting Tom corrupted by dark magic. He had brought both of them out and also had created a brand new spell that he was proud of knowns as Karate Hands where they resembled the pose you take when you are prone to attack and when an enemy approached it would fly to them and hit them with a slash before they could even get close and then Marco would himself finish them with a kick to the side taking them down. 

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