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2/11 It's the next day and you finally get up,.. But before your alarm. It's 4 am and school won't start for another few hours and your alarm won't go off until 7. You immediately feel lonely while sitting up. You feel tired but your body won't let you sleep. You sigh and get up. You slowly walk to the bathroom. It is still dark outside.. You look in the mirror and see yourself . "Why am I like this." You say under your breath. You look around for the razor you kept hiding. But it looks like it is gone. You remember there's another extra one in your closet in one of the pockets in a shirt.

You immediately go to grab it and walk back to the bathroom. It's finally 5 am but you don't want to eat. You write on a sticky note that you had to do something at school and you leave it on the fridge for your mom to see. You change into your school clothes and wear the long sleeve. You already know that your mom won't wake up for another few hours. You grab your bag and walk out. There's nowhere to go. So you go to Shinjuku since there is nothing to do. You walk over to a cafe but nothing is open at this hour. You eventually go to a side of the train station and sit there watching all the people walk by. You sit there dazing out, you are hungry but your body refuses you to eat. You sigh. You look at the ground, god knows how long. As time goes by you feel a tap at your head. You slowly look up dazed. You see a person with black hair and shining glasses "Hey?? What are you doing here at this time?,.. School doesn't start for another 2 hours." You immediately get up to hide your emotions. "Well... What are you doing here at 5:30 am?" You immediately say back to him. He laughs back. "Well Sojiro kind of kicked me out of the cafe this morning because,.. Well I'm not sure.. Haha." You laugh back but you immediately think about Sumire. "Well since we are both stuck here I know a cafe we can eat at that's open at this time.. And yes I'm forcing you." Akira says as he grabs on to your wrist and takes you to a cafe that isn't that far away. "Akira, Um I'm busy with some stuff..." You tell him. "EXCUSES." He shouts back to you with a giggle. "It's literally 5 am haha, we don't have anything to do.." You both walk into a clean looking cafe. There are a lot of different types of bread options. There's sweet ones, bland ones and savory ones. You look around, you are hungry but. You just can't eat. "Soooooo what are you getting?" He says as he grabs the Yakisoba bread. "You always get the yakisoba bread hah." You say back to him. "Well it's not my fault I love this so much.... Well I'm getting coffee too. I'm forcing you to get something because it's on me." You look back at him. "Well uh, I don't want anything." You say to him. "Welllllllll I'm going to get this one with creme and strawberries on top because you will eat it eventually.." Akira says to you as he grabs the bread and gets it served on a plate. You both sit at a table together. "Anyways we haven't been able to talk for awhile like before.,, Is everything okay?" Akira says in a concern. "I'm fine." You say under your breath taking a sip of water. You felt like you were going to gag with a sip of water. "Anyways I'm pretty hungry." He says as he gives you your plate. "Eat up haha." You look down at the bread. It looked scary. Food, Something I haven't had in a while.

As he is eating you pick up the bread and take a small bite out of it. You immediately don't feel well. He looks at you in a concern. He could definitely tell something was wrong. "I.. I have to go to the bathroom." You said while getting up and hurrying up to the bathroom. You immediately puke into the sink. You look up to the mirror and see yourself. "Why." You say under your breath.

You immediately wipe the tears off your face and clean yourself up. You walk out of the bathroom to see a concerned face. "Are you sure you are alright?" He says. "Yeah! Don't worry about me." You say as you sit down. "Anyways do you want me to put this in a bag for you?" He says. "Yes please." You say back to him. He gets up to get a little bag and puts the bread inside.

"Anyways here you go." He says while handing it to you. "Thanks!" You say back to him while grabbing the mini paper bag with a sweet piece of bread inside. "Well we should get going." Akira said while stuffing his hands in his pockets. As you both ride the train you see Sumire. "Hey senpai!" She says while walking closer to Akira. "Nice to see you today." Akira says back.

You slowly back up a bit because you don't want to disturb them. You slowly lean on to the door and feel it open because you arrived at the station. You trip a bit falling backwards and you feel a hand grab your wrist. "Um... haha, you good?" He says while bringing you back up. "Yeah I'm fine." As you look up and slowly see Sumire peeking over at you. You immediately jumped back a bit and brushed off his hand. "Well we should get going." You say as you walk a bit faster away from them. You feel a sharp pain. You don't know why. Was it because you haven't eaten or is it because your wrists? Or is it because You felt so heartbroken? Akira and Sumire catch up to you and walk alongside you without saying anything. You were nervous. But then you feel a push behind you. "Hey!?" You immediately knew it was Ryuji. "Ooh is that bread?" He says while snatching it from your hands. "I'm going to take this whether you like it or not alright haha."

"No,.. it's fine haha." You say back to him. Akira looks at you with a concerned face. "Score!!! Bread." Ryuji says.... - skip time to lunch - You walk up to the school roof by yourself. You bring out a razor. You slowly press it against your wrist and feel a burning pain. You slowly see blood drip down your wrist. Pain was all you ever know now, you just fake your smiles and joy. Click* and you hear a door open. You immediately scurry to put the razor away. But you didn't have enough time to stop the blood. You see Akiras eyes widen when he sees you sitting in the far corner of the roof near the fence. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" He says while trying to rush over to you. You immediately try to cover the blood with your sleeves but the blood leaked through a bit. "H...Hey is that b.blood?" He says while picking up your wrists. "No!! No it's alright I'm fine!!" You snatch your hand away from Akiras grip and hide your arm behind your back. He looks at you with concern once again. This sucks all you do is make other people worry about you. You slowly see the roof door open once again and it is Ann. "Oh, I've been looking everywhere for you." Ann says while hurrying over to you. "Akira, I have to talk to her about,.. You know. Girls things." She said while giving him a look. "Ohh umm yeah." Akira says while blushing. He walks away and opens the door of the roof. "Uh??? So you wanted to talk about girls stuff Ann.. ahaha?" You say while giving a fake laugh out. "Oh I was just lying to get him out of here." She said while giggling a bit. "Well I wanted to get this off my chest for a while now." Ann said. "Say anything!" You said to her. "Well I have big feelings towards Akira. Like romantic ones." Ann said while blushing. Another girl once again, I guess he is a ladies man. He definitely deserves someone that's pretty like Ann. I won't ever have a chance with him anyways. "So are you going to get him something for Vday!" You said in a fake happy voice. "Oh I wasn't thinking that far.." Ann said while blushing. "Bb.but if you insist." She said. -Time skip to after the last school bell rings.- You hurry down the school steps to bump into Makoto. "Hey! We have a phantom thief meeting in Akiras room today!" She said while blushing a bit. "Is anything alright? Haha." You said to Makoto. "Well I've been feeling things toward Akira but I bet it's nothing.. Well shall we get going?" I felt pain again. I nodded back at Makoto and we both took a train to Le blanc. "Hey!" Sojiro said to me. For some reason Sojiro really enjoys my presence out of all the phantom thieves. 

Edit: Sorry this chapter is so long!!! 

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