Ch. 14

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***Another photo of Paisley in the MM***



        I walked into Larenzo and I's house after using the key. Walking in, I closed the front door and locked it. The entire house was trashed with shattered vases and paper everywhere. Our glass table scattered around as it's pieces looked sharp. 

        My heels clicked onto the floor silently, seeing a trail of blood leading upstairs.

        This some horror movie type shit...

"Larenzo?!" I shouted       

        No answer...

"Baby?! Where you at?!" I shouted once again. I heard a loud groan come from upstairs

        Quickly going up the steps, the trail of blood lead me to our bedroom. Clashing my eyebrows together, I looked into the darkness and then turned on the light. I shivered in fright as I saw Larenzo half dead on the floor. 

"What the hell?!" I screamed 

"Babe... C'mere" Larenzo said weakly. Nodding, I took off my heels and rushed over to him

        I sat on the floor and he tiredly got laid on my lap. I helped him adjust himself, but when I did- I saw multiple gunshot wounds in his stomach and shoulder. A few stabbing wounds in his stomach. My eyes started to water. 

"Who did this?" I croaked

"That doesn't... Matter right now" He coughed, giving me a weak smile "Let focus on somethin' good?"

"Alright" I hugged his weary body softly, not wanting to add pressure on him

"Y'know I love you..." He paused "Right?"

"Yes" I nodded

"And you love me too?"

"Yes.." I said, trying to sniff back my tears "Yeah"

"Say it" He strained. I broke down on his bloody chest "C'mon baby, say it" He held my hand

"I love you too" I kissed his collarbone

"Good.. Good" He sighed "I want you to know that I'll still be right..." He weakly poked my chest "There" 

"Right here?" I pointed to where my heart was

"Yes, right there" He lifted himself up to kiss my chest "So beautiful" 

"Larenzo.." I combed my fingers through his curly hair "I needa tell you something"


"I-I'm pregnant" I sobbed "I'm pregnant"

        He sent me a crooked smile.

"And make sure you tell that baby boy or girl that their daddy is in a good place" He reached up to kiss my lips and laid back down, exhaling heavily 

        His eyes started closing, making me shake him. 

"No.. No, no, no... No! Larenzo, stay with me! Please, don't go"

"I love you, Paze"

"Paisley wake up... Wake up" I felt somebody shake me

        I rolled over and snuggled with my teddy bear, Stuffy. I don't know why I still have it, but I love it. 

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