Chapter 21

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Previously on "My Fair Maiden":
"Was it Sherlock?" John asked me before I turned on my music.
"When is it not?" I said as I walked towards the park, having  "One" by Metallica,  blasting in my ear.

*John's P.O.V*

Sherlock always seems to mess with people, and it does get quite annoying. Destiny is such a kind girl, and he has to go, and piss her off. You can tell that she likes him. Whether she'll admit it or not. I walked into the flat, and Sherlock was in his chair, as usual. He was in his praying stance, as usual and I rolled my eyes. I just walked to my desk and opened my computer. I got into updating the blog, and Sherlock finally spoke.

"It wasn't my fault, you know." Was what he said. I looked up at him and he was staring straight ahead.

"Of course it wasn't. When is it ever your fault?" I asked sarcastically and went back to blogging.

"I just said to be nicer to Eve. She then blew up in my face." Sherlock said, and I stopped typing. The idiot!

"Wow, that was so kind of you, Sherlock. How about you just leave Destiny's behavior alone, and just work with her." I said as I went back to typing.

"But she-" Sherlock was saying when we heard the front door to the building slam.  Then giggles floated up to the flat.

"I bet I am so awesomer than me." A drunk voice said. I got up,  and walked down the stairs with Sherlock behind me. Destiny was leaned against the wall, in front of the stairs. She had her boot to her ear.

"I'm sorry, Sarah! I can't hear you." she shouted, and I saw her phone in her hand.

"Oh!  Hi John!" she said and I shook my head. I walked over to her and grabbed her phone.

"Hello?" I asked and I heard a sigh.

"Oh thank goodness." I heard a feminine voice say.

"Don't worry about Destiny. I live above her,  and I'll take care of her." I said as I took Destiny's boot.

"Alright, thank you John." the girl said, and then I remembered it was Sarah.

"No problem." I said and had to keep Destiny from taking off her other boot.

"Oh, FYI, be careful about her. She's kinda weird when she's drunk. Thanks again and good luck." Sarah said and I chuckled.

"Thanks." I said and hung up. I put the phone in my pocket and stood up.

"C'mon, Destiny." I said as I slung her arm over my shoulder. I picked her up, and slung her over my shoulder. She laughed and started to sing something.

"John?" She whispered really loud to me.

"Yes, Destiny?" I asked and she tapped my shoulder.

"Who is that guy?" She asked me and I turned around and saw Sherlock watching us.

"That's Sherlock." I told her and she sighed. "Mighty dreamy, isn't he?" She asked with another sigh.

"Whatever you say, Destiny." I said while chuckling.

"Hi Sherman!" Destiny slurred and I opened her door and started laughing. I brought her to her room, and carefully put her on her bed.

"If you need me, I'll be in your living room, alright?" I asked her and she nodded at me. Her eyes getting heavy with sleep.

"John! Do you know Sherlock?" She asked as I was about to leave. I stopped and turned towards her.

"Yeah, I do." I said and she sighed.

"I don't think he likes me." She said and started to cry. Soon her cries were sobs and I ran to her.

"He does like you. I promise." I said while rubbing her back.

"Not like how I like him." She said and lied back down. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep. I got up and left her room.  I closed the door, and walked out to the living room. Sherlock was looking at the pictures that were hung along the wall. "Well, she's asleep." I said and Sherlock turned towards me.

"Alright. Well, let's get back to the case." He said as he went to leave.

"You can, I'm staying here to help her out." I said and Sherlock looked annoyed.

"Go on, Sherman. I'm sure you'll be fine." I chuckled and Sherlock sighed and left. He closed the door silently and I went to her couch. I lied down, and went on my phone for a bit, texting Mary "Goodnight", and then I leaned back to rest my eyes, but fell asleep.

My Fair Maiden (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now