Chapter 4

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I gasped and shot up, pushing myself from the couch. I could hear myself yelling "No" repeatedly and felt my hands begin to brush myself of the blood I had seen in my dreams.

I tumbled off the couch and thats when my mind cleared and I realized I was awake. I quickly stood and rushed to the bathroom, my heart racing at what felt a mile a second. I turned on the light and checked myself, not seeing any kind of wound nor blood.

I sighed and leaned against the sink, closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath. I turned on the faucet and splashed my face with cool water. Upon doing so, I realized how thirsty I was. I cupped my hands and was about to take a drink when my phone began ringing.

I jumped and had hit my forehead on the faucet.

"Oh, fuck!" I snapped and held my forehead as I stalked to the living room, noticing the room was dark and the only light was coming from my phone.

I looked away as I picked it up, glancing at the unknown number. I rolled my eyes and slid the bubble to the answer icon.

"Detective Maiden speaking." I grumbled and heard a laugh.

"I did tell you you'd start working today, didn't I?" Lestrade asked and I rubbed my eyes, forcing a chuckle.

"You did. Text me the location and I'll be there soon." I stated and tried to look around for the light switch, using the little light the bathroom offered to help.

"Alright, will do." Lestrade answered and I hung up, using the bright screen to find my suitcases instead.

I crouched down and unzipped one of them, grabbing a black button up and a black tank top to go under it. I set my phone aside and quickly unbuttoned my wrinkled shirt, tossing it to the side and pulling my undershirt off. I pulled on the tank top then slipped on the shirt, leaving it unbuttoned.

I grabbed a pair of socks and pulled those on, unzipping my other suitcase after and grabbing my black leather boots. I sat on the coffee table as I pulled them on and laced them up.

I grabbed deodorant and swiped under my pits before grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste and darted for the bathroom, hurrying up and finish getting ready.

I grabbed my leather jacket and picked up my phone. I snagged my keys from the table and walked to the front door, clearing my throat of the perfume I had accidentally breathed in.

I stealthily unlocked and opened my door, slipping out and closing it behind me. I locked the doors and crept down the hallway to the front doors.

I unlocked the first door and closed it behind me. As I began to unlock the second, the door behind me opened and I jumped and spun around.

"Sherlock. Hi!" I whispered and laughed as he stood there, surprised to see me there as well.
"Hello. You're gonna want to put your jacket on. It's cold this early in the morning." He recommended as I had unlocked the door and stepped out.

The night sky was still dark and I buttoned my shirt, feeling the cold begin to seep through my thin shirt. I rushed to finish and slipped on my jacket afterwards.

"For a moment I thought I was in New York." I joked and zipped up my jacket.

Sherock glanced at me and began walking towards the end of the street. I watched him for a moment and turned on my heel, walking in the other direction.

"If you want to get to the crime scene, I'd advise you to follow me." Sherlock called after me, and I looked over mu shoulder, seeing him standing with his hands in his pockets.

"You'll take a much longer way to the scene. I'd have solved it before you got there."

I looked behind me and began walking towards Sherlock. He turned around and began walking again as well, his strides much quicker than mine. I jogged my way to his side and widened my gate to keep up with him.

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