Everybody gets to their spots, waiting for Joon to put in the movie.
"Alright, the movies in! NOW SHUT UP!" Joon screams at everyone.
The rest of the group, roll their eyes. They decided on the movie, 'Friday'. And let's just say, when the movie finished, the two youngest Maknaes, would not SHUT UP ABOUT IT!?
"YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FLUCK OUT!" Tae said, trying to sound like Smokey.
"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!" Kookie says, also trying to sound like smokey.
Everybody else just groaned, annoyed that the two ruined it, by repeating it too much. After awhile of the seven friends hanging out, they decided to get ready to go home.
"SEE YOU GUYS LATER!?!?" Tae yelled out the window, as they drive away.
Next Day...
Cult Of MeMeS
ChiminePabo: I'm bored, make me laugh.
LeJINdairy: what did the camera say to the man?
Kookie<3: don't use me to take pictures dumba66?
Taeger: hehe
LeJINdairy: nope! he said "your face makes my sound shutter.
JoonChild: ...
J-Hoff: que?
ShimmyShimmySuga: wow! great joke steve!
Taeger: whose steve??
LeJINdairy: I know right! I'm a born comedian.
Kookie<3: APRIL FOOLS!
ChiminePabo: that joke was whack.
LeJINdairy: r00d >:(
Taeger: whose steve?
ShimmyShimmySuga: I honestly wonder what goes through your minds
J-Hoff: now hold on there, miss it ain't just us but it's u 2!
JoonChild: ...M-miss?
ShimmyShimmySuga: Say sum stupid and your rock collection is thrown in the ocean
JoonChild: Hey that wasn't very nice hope! take that back RIGHT NOW!
Kookie<3: Punk nerd
LeJINdairy: Shut up! you milk-dudd
Taeger: WHose steve?
Kookie<3: what's a milk dudd??
LeJindairy: no clue.
Taeger: WHOSE STEVE?!?!?!

CrACkHeAd EnErGy(BTS TeXt)
Fanfiction{DISCONTINUED} What would you do if you were added to a group of attractive weirdos? Probably a really trash desc. ;-; but give this book a chance :) - Yoonmin - Taekook - Namjin - JackHope Updates: Wed & Fri :Might update randomly -_- Started : 8/2...