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      Xue Yang arrived to Song Lan playing with a dog. Why is he playing with a dog? And where did he get it from? He walked over with Xingchen in his arms and said, "We need to get him to his room."
      Song Lan saw the situation and nodded. He led Xue Yang to Xingchen's room and watched as he sat the passed out male on the bed. 
     "Did he pass out of exhaustion?" Song Lan asked.
     "I think so. He needs to eat more too, he weighs almost nothing."
      "He's barely eaten ever since you left, and he never slept." Song Lan said sadly, "He was dying, slowly and painfully. He told me that without you there was no use in living, I guess he turned that thought into reality."
      Xue Yang looked at Xingchen's sleeping face and grabbed his hand. He sat near him and whispered, "You stupid little bambi, I really can't leave you alone can I?" He kissed Xingchen's wrist and smiled softly.
     Song Lan saw this and felt pity, they must really love each other, the dream must be true also Xingchen could have died if he kept up like this. Xue Yang was also drinking too much, he sighs, I hope that they will get better now.
      Xue Yang stood up and turned to Song Lan, "Song Lan, didn't you say that his mother had a dream about the sun and the moon?"
     "Yes, I did."
     "And that the moon had a dark power while the sun had a white power?" Song Lan nodded in response.
     "He powers must be held within the necklaces," Xue Yang mumbled. He took his necklace off and sat down on the floor, legs crossed. He tried concentrating on the power like he does with his sword but couldn't. He sighed, "Maybe Xingchen will know how to manage the powers, I'll ask him when he wakes up." He stood up and gave Xingchen a glance before walking out the door.
      Song Lan followed him out and closed the door. He stood outside and wondered how the powers worked. Do they have to use more spiritual energy than they usually use? How much do they need? He thought for a while more before seeing Honey and Xue Yang playing together and walked over to join.

     It has been about 3 days and Xingchen finally woke up. He has been awake for at least an hour and was waiting for Xue Yang to come over to talk about the necklaces. "Where is he? Shouldn't he be here by now?"
      Song Lan laughed at his impatience, "Don't worry, he'll be here soon." I hope he added in his head. A moment later Xue Yang showed up at their door.
      Xingchen rushed to the door and threw it open. "You're here," he smiled and jumped on Xue Yang.
     Xue Yang wrapped his arms around his waist and hid his face in the crook of his lover's neck. "Were you waiting for me love?" He smirked secretly, knowing the answer was yes.
    "No," Xingchen said then hesitated, "...maybe." He pulled away and cupped Xue Yang's face. He smiled lovingly and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose causing Xue Yang to smile.
      Their moment was interrupted by Song Lan coughing, "Ahem, we have work to do."
     Xingchen giggled, "Of course come on BABE."
     Xue Yang shook his head with a smile and walked with Xingchen to his room. They sat down and took off their necklaces, placing them up front.
     "Alright," Song Lan said, "who's going first?"
     Xingchen lifted his head, "I'll go." He put his hands in front if him and summoned all the spiritual energy he could muster. He focused all of his energy on the necklace in front of him and tried to connect them. He grew tired and stopped, he shook his head.
     "I'll do it then," Xue Yang mimicked Xingchen's position and focused his energy as well. He pushed up to his limit but kept going, he soon fell into a trance. He fell into a meadow with trees and flowers, this is my mind...I fell into my mind's imagination! He focused on the scenery more and felt a surge of power go through him.
     The power was stronger than he had ever experienced, he then saw a figure standing a few feet a way from him. They were wearing a black cloak so he could not see their face, "Who are you?" He asked.
      "I am known as Luan," the figure said, "I am the moon's spirit, I will be your guide and teacher for the next period of time on your journey." Luan took a step forward and waved his arm, causing a ring to appear. He grabbed the ring and gave it to Xue Yang.
     Xue Yang accepted the ring and placed it on his middle finger, it was a gold ring with a blue stone.
      "The ring will be a replacement for the necklace," Luan said, "you must keep it on at all times."
       Xue Yang nodded, "I will," he said, "But how does Xingchen get somewhere and get his ring?"
      Luan turned heel and started walking away, "He is weak at the moment, after resting and retrieving his strength he will be able to earn his ring." With those words he disappeared into the distance and left Xue Yang alone.
     Xue Yang snapped out of his trance by coughing out a liquid. He opened his eyes and saw blood on the floor in front of him, he looked down to his hand and saw the ring. The necklace had also disappeared.
    "Are you alright?" Xingchen asked concerned, "You looked like you were sleeping until we saw a smoke coming out of you. You also looked like something was bothering you."
    Xue Yang looked up at him, "I'm fine, I'm just...just a little shaken up," he smiled reassuringly. "But you, Xingchen, you need to rest. I saw a person who said his name was Luan, and he said the reason you weren't able to connect was because you haven't rested and taken care of yourself enough."
       Xingchen looked down, and after a moment nodded. "Alright, I'll get some rest now I guess," he laid on his bed and closed his eyes. Less than a minute later he was asleep causing Song Lan and Xue Yang to leave the room.
      "Do you want some tea?" Song Lan asked as they went to the kitchen.
      "Yes please," Xue Yang sat at the small table.
      Song Lan served the tea and sat with him, "Now tell me, what exactly did you see?"
      "I saw a man who gave this ring," he showed him the ring, "and he said that he would be my guide on my journey. I'm guessing that he is a moon spirit considering he came from the necklace." Xue Yang took a sip of his tea while Song Lan pondered on his words.
     "So do you think Xingchen will get a sun spirit?" Song Lan asked after a moment.
     Xue Yang nodded, "Yes, and they will probably give him a ring as well."
     Song Lan nodded, it looks like we might have more going on around us than we thought. He took a sip of his tea and saw Honey walking towards them, he grinned and started playing with the dog, forgetting everything in a second.

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