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     Xingchen's breath hitched as he watched the fight between the two men. Chang was mainly blocking while the other man attacked, all that was heard was the swords clanking and their heavy breaths. Xingchen felt himself being pulled closer to his lover by the waist and heard him whisper in his ear.
"Get ready to fight," Xue Yang had said, Xingchen nodded and summoned his sword while Xue Yang summoned his. They got in position back to back and the men ran towards them. They fought back with all they had and eventually fought together instead of individually.
Xue Yang grabbed Xingchen's hand and lifted him off the ground as someone ran forward, he stabbed the man in the chest and brought Xingchen down. Xingchen smiled and turned around to continue fighting. They fought as if they were dancing, jumping and spinning and holding each other by the waist.
They were on the last two men when they heard voices.
"Hui I think you have trouble," it was Wei Ying.
"Oh really?" Hui said, "where?"
"Right in front of you," Wei Ying said before throwing a punch at the man. Xue Yang smiled at the scene before returning to the fight.
Xingchen sliced the last man's throat and walked backwards then felt himself being pulled by the hand. He turned around, "Wha-"
He was interrupted by a set of lips pressed against his. His eyes widened but relaxed when he saw the face, it was Xue Yang. He smiled into the kiss and cupped his lover's face with one hand.
They separated and Xingchen smiled, "You really are impatient aren't you," he said laughing slightly.
"I am when it comes to you," Xue Yang said smiling back. They gave each other a quick hug before walking towards the other fighting group.
"Senior Uncle!" Wei Ying yelled as he dodged the blows, "Are you alright?"
"I'm alright!" Xingchen yelled back before running into the fight with Xue Yang on his side. They fought against Hui's group and Xue Yang fought against his brother himself.
"Brother," Hui said, "I see you have the prettiest one back."
"Don't call him that," Xue Yang said, he struck forward and Hui slid to the side dodging the blow.
"Why not? It suits him perfectly," he said and pushed Xue Yang forward. Xue Yang stumbled to find his footing and once he did he turned around and attacked again. Hui was still prepared, he brought up his sword and blocked Xue Yang.
The two brothers pushed their swords together and used spiritual energy to make it stronger. Xue Yang felt something grab his foot and looked down, it was a vine controlled by Hui. He moved his foot around but it was no use, the vine wrapped around his foot and tightened it's grip. Xue Yang moved his foot more and Hui took this chance to push forward even more and caused Xue Yang to loose his balance.
Xue Yang twisted his foot as he fell and heard a large crack. His face twisted in pain and he let out a groan, Hui smirked at this and struck forward only to be blocked by a sword. He looked up and saw Xingchen, the man was standing above his lover with a sword and dagger in hand.
"Pretty one, how nice of you to join us," Hui said sickeningly sweet.
"Don't. Call. Me. That."
"Oh come on, are you still mad at me for hurting that man?" Hui said and smiled when Xingchen flinched.
"Xue Yang move," Xingchen said ignoring the question.
"I can't."
"Of course he can't, I'm controlling them and they won't let go until I tell them to," Hui said and tightened the grip.
Xue Yang winced and took Xingchen's dagger, he hid it behind his arm and said, "Well you said you wanted my ring didn't you? I can't give it to you unless you let me go."
"If I let you go you'll hurt me, do you think I'm stupid?" Hui said.
"Yes," Xue Yang responded, before striking with the dagger. Hui froze as the dagger impaled his stomach, he looked at Xue Yang and moved the vines so that they were now on his brother's neck.
Xue Yang felt the vines begin to tighten around his throat but ignored it. He began to pass all of his pain to Hui, from the broken ankle to the vines around his neck. Hui gripped his throat and ankle with his hands and gasped for air.
"What...what did you do?" He gasped out.
"Simple you want the ring you get the ring," Xue Yang said nonchalantly.
"You asked for it," Xue Yang said, "now release these things before I give you more pain." Hui nodded and soon the vines began to leave Xue Yang's ankle, Xingchen bent down and placed a hand on his lover's ankle.
"It's broken," he said, Xue Yang nodded and grimaced.
"Just heal it already, please," Xue Yang begged gripping Xingchen's shoulder. Xingchen nodded and began to take his pain away, Xue Yang sighed in relief as the pain left his foot and he soon felt the it slowly mend.
"There, you might feel a bit weak for a while but you will he fine," Xingchen said.
"Thank you love," Xue Yang said before getting up. He looked at Hui, "I will let you go this time, but only if you promise to stop."
"I will never stop," Hui said weakly.
Xue Yang sighed, "Fine, stay here and die."
"I am not afraid of death," Hui said, "I al afraid of boredom." Xue Yang's breath hitched, this did not go unnoticed by Xingchen however. The man grabbed Xue Yang's arm and dragged him away.
"Are you alright love?" Xingchen asked softly.
"Yes I'm fine," Xue Yang said, "just memories."
Xingchen nodded, "Alright let's go then." They walked towards the group and they all sat down exhausted from the fight.
"Senior Uncle," Wei Ying said, "what happened while you were here? Did they hurt you?"
Xingchen shook his head, "That is a story for another day." Xue Yang looked at him but only received a shaking head, not yet. Xingchen was scared, he was scared to tell them about all the torture he went through, he was scared of telling them that a man died in his arms, he was scared of telling them that someone had forced him to do something he didn't want to.
He brushed the feeling away and focused on the present. I am safe now, it's all alright now, he thought and turned to Xue Yang. "I love you," he said before leaning in and pressing his lips against Xue Yang's cheek.
Xue Yang smirked, "You missed," he said and pointed at his lips. Xingchen smiled and leaned in and kissed his lover's lips, Xue Yang his lover by the waist while Xingchen hugged his neck. The others watched with smiles on their faces with the same thought , we did it.

Months have passed and everything was better now. Xingchen and Xue Yang now lived near the woods next to a small house that Lan Wangji and Wei Ying would go to every once in a while. A-Qing lived with them and was growing happy and healthy, she would play in the woods and the nearby lake with her fathers and eat the wild fruits.
Anyone could say that everything was perfect, but the only thing was Xingchen never spoke. He never spoke of his trauma and fears, he kept a smile on his face and acted as if nothing was wrong but Xue Yang knew better. Xue Yang knew something was wrong but let it slide, Xingchen would tell him when he was ready. But for now let they had their fun and lived a good life peacefully and happily.

The end

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